dancer RSS

black hair, dancer, dress, egyptian, short hair, skirt -

This is a nice beautiful Egyptian dancer. Her costume was not too accurate. Rather, it was the Russian approximation of what Europeans expected of Egyptians. The Russian dancers of those days were influential in the development of modern fashion, with the short hair and the oriental fabrics and patterns.  This is well noted in the dressed of the 1920s. They were flat surfaces with hundreds of elaborate patterns. It was made in mimicry of the attires worn by the Russian dancer. They all wanted to get away from the sensibilities of the previous 1000 years. No more corsages and constricting...

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acrylic, dancer, painting -

Drawing figures dancing is an interesting venture in it of itself. It is not something that can be done properly by drawing from life. It is at this point where the camera comes into play. It can capture a moment in life, while the figure is in motion. It was admirable how it was managed in the old days. Just think of how many times the little model had to twirl to help the artist. Well, old paintings had the preliminary sketches and the other sketches. Very few painters had genuine photographic memory. I only know of one that had...

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