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As of lately, I have been taking my weekends. I recently finished one of my silly books. It is in cold storage for the time being. Brother person has to get around publishing the book. It will then take even more time before making it to the store. All that matters is that I have something new to publish. For the moment, I am brainstorming a new story. I was thinking of making it take place in a single day. It is a bit of a gimmick like the Ulysses book. The book was pretty boring the first time I...

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I am just a little bit mellowed out and the like. We are going to be cleaning up real soon. I am not going to have a lot of time for this website. Last night, I finally finished editing my book. I am going to paint the front cover. I already have all the references for the drawing. I also have some of the colors I am going to use for it. I am going change some aspect of it, for decoration. The book is just a collection of short stories and the like. I think this is just about...

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I have been thinking a little bit about this and that nonsense. I am a little mellowed out around the edges. I think I need to come up with a decent front cover. The manga I have been working on is progressing a little bit slowly. This is all because I cannot draw day and night. I have to make time for the book, and I also need to make time for the silly website. There is also the matter of the painting projects. I have an idea, but I have not solidified it. I am also working on making...

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This is just my long winded way of creating filler. As of lately, I have been in a bit more of a social media oriented type of mood. It has only been a year and a half, and the website is still here. Most sites loose interest in about a year’s time. It is a slow game. In part, because google takes forever to catalogue stuff. Things might work a little bit faster, if there were less junk websites to look through. Back at home, we are still working on fixing the Gregor problem. If you are familiar with my...

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I am just a little bit mellowed out around the edges. I wanted to have something to do with my time and whatnot. For the time being, I am working on my silly plants. They are growing up a little bit. Moving along, shall we. This is just a silly photo I took and the like. I took this photo while I was in the Parrot Keys.

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