instrument RSS

anime, drawing, instrument -

It has been a couple of months since I added more drawings to this silly series of mine. For those up not to date, I was drawing anime girls playing musical instruments. I am just going down the list. I did not want to do just pianos and violins. Everyone does those instruments. I wanted to do different instruments. I have been playing the Sekiro game a little bit. I still have not been able to defeat a single major boss. My brother always gets them for me. I am just good at looking about for stuff, and the other...

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anime, drawing, instrument -

This is going to be the last anime drawing of musical instruments for quite a bit. I might supplement this little blog with some paintings here and there. I have about 3 that I have not shown. The new book is progressing rather smoothly. I have about 15,000 words left. It is going to all take place in a single day. If the book ends up being a little bit shorter, I will add a little bit more thoughts. People usually think a lot of nonsense when they are doing other stuff. It is all I can do to reach...

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anime, drawing, instrument -

I am going to be a little bit distracted lately. Mother got me a new video game. It is Fire Emblem. As you can guess, I am pretty engaged. The battles play very similar to Final Fantasy Tactics. I have managed to keep my characters alive for quite a bit. Still, a couple of fellows almost kicked the bucket in a couple of battles. The biggest innovation in this game is that the characters can die in battle. There is still some time to train the fellows. This has nothing to do with my drawing. I just wanted to tell...

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drawing, instrument -

The Jew Harp is an unassuming musical instrument. I do not even know what it sounds like. I was just drawing it because it seemed quite easy. I was just trying to follow the Wikipedia list of musical instruments. Mother person is thinking of getting me a birthday present. Brother already got me a new doll. I am in a not spending type of mood. There are a few things here and there that seem amusing, but I do not want my family to spend any money on it. Brother person just came back from a trip as all. Trips...

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drawing, instrument -

This is a nice anime drawing featuring a maiden playing a type of drum. I do not have this drum in the physical type of word. I just googled an image to draw the maiden. The dress is also from a cute little picture. The original person playing the instrument was a dude. I have been working hard on my introduction. I am writing one for my old books. They are about 7 pages long. I think they might look a little bit longer in the edited version of the book. The drawing was made with markers and coloring pencils...

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