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anime, drawing, instrument -

The Khene is a Laos mouth organ. It is the main instrument used in traditional Cambodian dances. The instrument is made out of reeds. Each set is tuned after a particular musical key. Once the pipes are placed into the flute part, it cannot be changed. As you may know, I from time to time like to make drawings of musical instruments. I want to illustrated as many different kinds of instruments as possible. I do not like to limit myself to just Western Classical Music instruments. I think people should try out other instruments that are not just the...

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drawing, instrument, music -

As of lately, I have been writing pretty late at night. I was going to do the same last night, but I got caught up in some nonsense. I was making a new dress for the doll with my mother. It had some issues here and there, and I was fixing it. I am going to have her take a nice photo with some new products once the rain stops. I should just do the new markers too, when I get around to it. I bought the markers because I am going to be starting a new manga project. I...

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anime, drawing, instrument -

The Kazoo is a fun instrument. A lot of little kids find the instrument amusing. I wish more people would play it. This is one of the weird reasons why I started my instrument drawing series. I did not want to just focus on the popular classical instruments. I have been slowly continuing with it. I draw one in between the manga I am making. The instrument was invented by Alabama Vest, in Macon, Georgia. It started reaching stores around the end of the 19th century. The instrument hums or vibrates. I think this is enough information about the Kazoo....

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anime, drawing, instrument -

I missed a bit the day when I normally write. I was helping my mother do a bit of research around the edges, about Corvid. I am very good at doing research. I used to do it often for the classes I was taking. I wrote a lot of term papers. Most of them are probably circulating in student journal compilations. The teachers give the students the fame, while they get the money. After graduating, I lost track of everyone relating to school. I did the same thing with all the people I ever met in high school, as well....

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anime, drawing, instrument -

This is another one of my silly anime drawings. It features a maiden playing a musical instrument. The Hulusi is a type of reed instrument form Vietnam. Most people only bother to draw western instruments. It is interesting from time to time to give a foreign item a bit of a try. The pose is taken from an actual photo. The pose can easily be reworked into whatever character you so desire. In this series, I chose to feature red headed maidens, in Mori dresses. The drawing was made on Leda Art Supply Paper. The pencil used belong to Reeves...

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