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drawing, instrument -

The hurricane is finally has started moving at a snail pace. I have been thinking a little bit about making one of those coloring books.  I am good at making line arts. It can an easy job to make a fancy little book. The book could just be 40 or 50 pages long. This is the usual length of coloring books. By making it shorter, I can cut down on the prices per page. There is also the material of the book to consider. The pages need to be easy to draw on. Mother person is being a little bratty...

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anime, drawing, instrument -

This is quite the cute little drawing featuring a maiden playing the Bassoon. I had hoped that things would be business as usual. The problem is the Hurricane Dorian. It is as if it is fighting a barrier. It wants to split Florida in Half, but there is a barrier halting his path. Had this silly Hurricane not come, brother person would have been on his happy vacation time. It is more the pity. I suppose some things cannot be helped. It is terrible what is happening to the Bahamas. Irma stayed on top of Florida for a day. This...

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drawing, instrument -

It is another summer and another hurricane. It is such a bother this whole Hurricane situation. I just hope it keeps going up north. The further north it moves the less chances it has to be a bother to us Florida folks. It just seems to put a stop to the whole business as usual. Storms are necessary, but Hurricanes are usually overkill. I am going to be praying and hoping that it doesn’t touchdown anywhere. IT is a tad strong and it could mess people’s home. Irma was such a mess. I even made it into an episode. I...

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drawing, instrument -

I have been working on my book a little bit. It is about halfway done. I think I might make it as long as 65,000 words. It is longer than the standard novels. I am going to make it longer than the shortest novel I ever made. Like before, I am making something a little gimmicky around the edges. Worse case scenario, I might make it artificially longer. I am trying to make a story that is 30 hours long. In the silly fantasy world, the days are a little bit longer than in planet earth. It has a nice...

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drawing, instrument -

This is another one of my silly drawings. I am changing up a bit the type of things I am sharing around the edges. The days have been a little bit uneventful. I think this is just about it as far as my nonsense goes. I do so hope you like my new drawing. The instrument is a little bit exoteric. Lets move along shall we.

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