Anime girl playing the Alphorn

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Anime girl playing the Alphorn

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The hurricane is finally has started moving at a snail pace. I have been thinking a little bit about making one of those coloring books.  I am good at making line arts. It can an easy job to make a fancy little book. The book could just be 40 or 50 pages long.

This is the usual length of coloring books. By making it shorter, I can cut down on the prices per page. There is also the material of the book to consider. The pages need to be easy to draw on. Mother person is being a little bratty today. This is a bit of a bother because brother person has work today and he needs to focus.

He doesn’t need her to be acting childish. I suppose I do get my occasional infantile side from her. She is just not too amused by the end of her Hurricane mandated vacation. I am also not too inspired either. After the hurricane passes, I need to talk to one of the work fellows that I applied to.

I do not want to bother. It is the act of going to interviews that bothers me. It would be easier, if they said yes, and I just get started. I suppose it all boils down to the fact that I just can’t stand my hair. I do not want to have to bother to straighten it for an interview that will just be another dead end.

I suppose there are some things that cannot be helped. In an ideal world, I would be making money from my silly books and the website. This takes times. I think this is about it as far as my nonsense goes. I hope you like my new anime drawing. It is a maiden playing a silly instrument. I do so hope you like my silly drawing.

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