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Hollow Knight New Years 2025
I made new Mantis Lords drawings. The theme was new years. I saw that black and gold was the style. So, I dressed them in these cute outfits. I hope you have a happy new year. Bye, bye and God bless.
Hollow Knight Slipknot Fanart
There is a lot of hollow knight fans that listen to slipknot. I should know cause I did a poll. The metal band that won was slipknot. So, they are going to get the Hollow Knight treatment. This was a problematic fanart since it has a lot of characters. Slipknot is a pretty big band. So, I had to think a lot about their Hollow Knight counterparts. At least their outfits were easy enough. Just some nice purple. I like purple. Anyhow, I hope you like my new Hollow Knight fanart. There is going to be a video of this...
Hollow Knight BabyMetal Fanart
I wanted to come up with a different flavor of fanart. So, I did a poll. I asked what rock band should be drawn hollow knight style. The winner was babymetal. I placed their band on the poll more as a gimmick. Well, my brother suggested them. He had gone to see their concert with his girlfriend. So, he told me that they were fun. Anyhow, Babymetal is going to get the hollow knight treatment. Since they are 3, they are going to be Mantis Lords. I looked through their outfits, and found a set that looked nice. I think...
Hollow Knight Bobsleigh Fanart
I did a poll to decide the next fanart. The winner was bobsleigh. For the fanart, I chose Hollow Knight characters that I do not draw often. I figured that they were overdue for a fanart. I drew Tiso, Elderbug, God Tamer and Snail Shaman. Their uniforms look nice. All that was left was getting pose just right. There is going to be a video of this fanart in my Artsy Sister Youtube channel. Please do give a like and subscribe.
Hollow Knight Scary Movie Fanart
I did a new hollow knight fanart. I used a poll to decide. The winner of the spoof was Scary Movie. It has been forever since I saw the first scary movie. I frankly like the 3rd one a lot better. The first one has its own charms. It is the original, after all. It was interesting to pick the characters for the poster. It makes sense that the Chibi knight is the one that sees dead people. He does that a lot in the main game. He could have also worked as Ghost face, since he is a ghost....