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anime, art, drawing, sketch -

I was looking through my art supplies to make new product descriptions when I ran into this sketchbook. I could not find the brand for it, so instead I decided to feature it in the blog. I bought this in FIU around 2009. I was bored in class, and the teacher did not allow computers in class. It seems a bit juvenile that teachers continue with the same nonsense even in college. After all, students  and Uncle Sam are paying for the classes. Who cares if they want to waste their time and not pay attention? Frankly, college felt like...

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drawing, lady -

Giving it some thought, I do not remember seeing a lot of red headed women in paintings. This is in part of due to the general belief that the read heads were demonic. They also did not take too lightly to left handed people. This superstition still continues in the UK. Some families were even bullied out of the neighborhood. It's a bit silly how these things may continue in Europe.  Then again, Europe has always worn two faces. Behind all their glorious glamour there is a dark underbelly that is slowly rotting them away. It has always been so...

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drawing, knight -

Here is a somewhat old drawing featuring British knight of sorts. This was the sort of fashion that was popular in the British court. They would not battle in those outfits. Rather, they would sit and chat with their fellows about the weather, hunting and occasionally diplomacy. The rapier was also part of the outfit. It evolved from the Spanish, Espada Ropera.  Original specimens are shorter, but extremely sharper. They can pierce right through a pig in one trust. That is how those swords were tested. Poor, pigs. Anyhow, the rapier that evolved from it, took on many forms. Most...

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drawing, magic man -

Here is a nice little drawing featuring a magic man from a picture book I saw. Originally, his costume was in black and white. In my version, I added a bit of color to all his aspects. I thought he looks interesting enough. During the 1910s, it was the golden age of book illustrations. Books were designed with fancy illustrations to be given as gifts in Christmas. This trend died with the stock market crash. Even when the economy recovered, fancy books became too expensive to produce. As such, it was abandoned by the publishing companies. There are notable exceptions....

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drawing, kit -

I really do not know what is a Polichinelle. I just thought the outfit was cool. After doing a bit of research over the top, apparently it is a stock character. He is just like the Mimes and Harlequins. He was raised by two fathers, who were quite different from one another. One was a cruel douche and the other a shy, nervous thief. Due to his dual nature, he can play either the master or the servant. This costume also alludes to his dual nature. It resembles both the gesture and the nobleman outfit. Well, people tend to have more...

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