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ballerina, drawing -

I did not get much work done as far as drawing was concerned. I will not get into details, with the whole remodeling of the kitchen and the fridge not plugged. Anyhow, this is one of my old drawings. It features a pretty ballerina with a coiled hairdo. I could not decide were to put the ribbon, so I placed it in her hand. Maybe it could go on the side of the hair or not.  The V shape cut is thought to be a bit modern. However, this outfit is circa 1850s. In those days, ballerinas were treated the...

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ballerina, beautiful, drawing -

The story of the little mermaid has been popular since its inception. The original story was written by Hans Christian Anderson. It was about a mermaid who fell in love with a human. Since the story was written, it has been used in plays and in movies. This is a ballerina costume for one of the mermaids. She has her hair short because she gave it to the sea witch. She gave the hair to the witch to get a dagger for her sister. Her sister had to kill the human she loved to turn into a mermaid. It's one...

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beautiful, dancer, drawing, syrian -

Here is a nice little Syrian Dancer. At least, this is what the Russians thought Syrian dancers looked like. This was part of the Japanesque and Orientalism trends that were common Place in Europe. Russians were caught in that trend. It was more visible in their ballets.  Ballet is not a traditional dance of Russia. Now, ballets has become quite common place in Russia. This is not to say that Russians never bothered to do a little research. This is well noted in the head gear and outfit of the maiden. The colors chosen in the outfit were not made...

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art, drawing, sketch -

This is one of my early drawings from High School. This was my language art teacher Mrs. Sanchez. She wanted to be a singer, but had to settle for teaching. I used to always doodle in the side of my composition book. To manage the chaos, she gave me my first sketch pad, and first drawing pencil. I made that portrait on a slow day.  I cannot say this meant much at the time, or even now. I was bored at school, and this was something to do. She was standing still a lot, looking at a movie or something,...

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drawing, dress -

Here is a cute maiden in a fancy dress. The dress was inspired by Japanese prints. This was part of the sensibility of the art nouveau period. One can easy see the transition to dresses of the 1920s. The dresses became flat, and the feminine figure was no longer outline. Corsages were thrown away and now dresses had to be comfortable.  The dress became a flat canvas for illustrator to paint on. This was part of a new trend related to the patent wars of fashion designers. They were in the middle of trying to make a profit. Dresses were...

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