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I am like super tired around the edges. I spent my time racking the leaves. This time I stopped before I got overheated. I focused first on the leaves closets to the house. Slowly, I am going to make my way through the front garden. It seems at times like an effort in futility. The more leaves I remove the more fall. I am like super tired as all. I am not in a particular thinking sort of mood. It is funny those little task you assign yourself to pass the time as all. I am almost done with that...

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Today is another nice day. The book is slugging along, and I found a game that somewhat amuses me. It is interesting how much of your time a single came can consume you. Still, this is part of the reason one plays games. They are amusing as all and they distract from the day to day boredom. Speaking of boredom, one of the chumps we see on the Youtube was a little whinny today. Google is being a complete pig as far as advertisement is concerned. He thinks it is because he reviews games. I think it has something to...

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Today arrived the water bill and I think I am overwatering my flowers. I am a little bit of a novice at this. I am going to make it a little bit lighter for the plants that are a little bit hardier. The red rose bush produced a tiny flower. I heard that the main stem of the flower tends to repress the other arms. This would explain why the rose is so tiny. Still, even a tiny rose has merits. When it opens, I am going to try to cross pollinate it with the white rose bush. It still...

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This is another photo I took a couple of days ago. I am a little mellowed out around the edges. I am a little mellowed out around the edges. I think my food is getting burned. So, I am over and out. I ate some taco with pico de gallo. I am going to call it short as far as my blog is concerned. I might write another blog real soon. I think this is just about it as far as my ramblings are concerned. I hope you like these silly red flowers of mine.

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This is a photo of an odd silly flower. I transplanted it from where it was. It had a lot of roots for such a skinny little plant. I do not know what it might be. I just have it because it produces flowers. It is not the most appealing flower. It also is also not too big. Still, it is a hardly plant and it produces flowers. As such, it is good enough for me. This garden is quite old indeed. It gets visited by a lots of birds. There could be millions of dormant seeds under the ground....

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