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Beautiful Flowers of Mine
Today arrived the water bill and I think I am overwatering my flowers. I am a little bit of a novice at this. I am going to make it a little bit lighter for the plants that are a little bit hardier. The red rose bush produced a tiny flower. I heard that the main stem of the flower tends to repress the other arms. This would explain why the rose is so tiny. Still, even a tiny rose has merits. When it opens, I am going to try to cross pollinate it with the white rose bush. It still...
Cute Flowers Red Flowers of Mine
This is another photo I took a couple of days ago. I am a little mellowed out around the edges. I am a little mellowed out around the edges. I think my food is getting burned. So, I am over and out. I ate some taco with pico de gallo. I am going to call it short as far as my blog is concerned. I might write another blog real soon. I think this is just about it as far as my ramblings are concerned. I hope you like these silly red flowers of mine.
Strange Flower of Mine
This is a photo of an odd silly flower. I transplanted it from where it was. It had a lot of roots for such a skinny little plant. I do not know what it might be. I just have it because it produces flowers. It is not the most appealing flower. It also is also not too big. Still, it is a hardly plant and it produces flowers. As such, it is good enough for me. This garden is quite old indeed. It gets visited by a lots of birds. There could be millions of dormant seeds under the ground....
My Neighbor’s Bugambilia
I normally do not do two blogs a day. I tend to limit myself to one. I cannot spend the entire day writing. The issue is that the first one was not really a blog. It was just a show of faith, nothing too far out there. Now, I am not too distracted. I decided to show you a new flower photo. It features my neighbor’s Bugambilia. It is my father’s favorite flower, back when that meant something. I normally do not talk about him because he is dead and buried. It isn’t that I hate him, quite the opposite....
Second Floral Acrylic Painting
This is a pretty floral painting I made. It features some flowers you can find in my garden. I was out in the garden checking out my flowers today. I noticed one lost two stems. I think it has something to do with the wind. I placed it on the ground to see if it grows roots. I saw Monty doing junk like that with cuttings in his TV show. Hopefully, I get the logic of it. I am just not feeling it today. I am still a little bit sick around the edges. It took at little longer than...