flower RSS

acrylic, flower, painting -

This is a pretty floral painting I made. It features some flowers you can find in my garden. I was out in the garden checking out my flowers today. I noticed one lost two stems. I think it has something to do with the wind. I placed it on the ground to see if it grows roots. I saw Monty doing junk like that with cuttings in his TV show. Hopefully, I get the logic of it. I am just not feeling it today. I am still a little bit sick around the edges. It took at little longer than...

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flower, photo -

Today, I wanted to return to the whole rose rant, but first I am going to give you a summery of what I did yesterday. The first thing I was to rant about nonsense. We went out for a second time to look for the acrylic paint my painter friend needed. Eventually, I was able to narrow down what he truly wanted. He needed Winsor and Newton, but was too ashamed to ask for good paint. Anyhow, our search brought us to a Walmart that was more of a Publix. We got paranoid and left for home. On the way,...

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flower, photo -

I have been a little sad as of lately. Some of the flowers I have planted have started to die. The climbing vine in the patio looks terribly decrepit indeed. I wonder if I am watering it too much or too little. Some other small ones that are red and white also do not look too great. I think it has something to do with the sun and the wind. I have to pace myself with most things. I think I just over planted the main flower bed. Even if they croak, I am not going to add new flowers...

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flower, gardening -

I suppose it has been quite a bit since I have been ranting about flowers. It would make a lot more sense if I had gardening supplies. I am going to get around to it like real soon. There is just always so much to do. I am not in a particular doing kind of mood. The new painting looks real pretty around the edges. I am a bit mellowed out around the edges. I have nothing better to do as far as anything is concerned and whatnot. The hanging plant in the garden seems real weak. I do not...

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flower, photo, rose -

The second rose finally opened. The middle one seems quite inspired indeed. When the first one opened it lost all its pigments. I googled about it. It is normal for this type of rose to turn white. It does so to maintain its power and luster. It is just saving energy to keep itself from wilting. I like the rose both in its white and its golden incarnation. All in all, this gardening project has been quite entertaining. I normally do a blog a day. Still, I took these photos recently. I decided I did not want to wait till...

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