Windy Flowers

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Windy Flowers

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I have been a little sad as of lately. Some of the flowers I have planted have started to die. The climbing vine in the patio looks terribly decrepit indeed. I wonder if I am watering it too much or too little. Some other small ones that are red and white also do not look too great.

I think it has something to do with the sun and the wind. I have to pace myself with most things. I think I just over planted the main flower bed. Even if they croak, I am not going to add new flowers in their place. I think it looks quite busy as it is. Some of the flowers have expanded and grown quite a bit.

The best in the lot have been the bushy purple ones. The one under the Mar Pacifico is thriving. The other one has grown, but has not produced any flowers. The wind does bad things to the flowers. In the long run it helps them. It stimulates them to grow stronger stems.

artsy sister,purple flowers,gardening

This helped a lot my first rose bush. She survived Irma without breaking a sweat. Other plants did fine as well. We only lost the smallest branches of the big trees, and a single tree as well. We had to chop it off to keep it from falling on top of the neighbors. The tree is fine, still alive and somewhat well.

It recently grew from the stomp a bunch of new branches with leaves. It gives me a lot to think about. The back flower bed is a bit of a mess. I do not particularly like to hang out back there. I am always a little bit paranoid. I think there might be snakes or something. I have not watered that place at all.

Today, I think I am going to tackle it. Some water at least once a week will do it well. The back garden will also get some attention when I go feed the front plants. I think I am going to space it out a bit. It suggest once 1 to 2 weeks. I have been doing the feeding once a week.

artsy sister,white flowers,gardening

It is all matter of trial and error. Eventually, I will find a plant hardy enough to survive in this garden. At least the rose bush made it. It is particularly the type of flower I like. In the future, I am going to look for tall flowers, with thick stems that can handle the gale forces that usually batter my garden.

If the plants cannot survive in my place, then I am not going to burden them by planting them in a place they cannot handle. I think this is just about it as far as my daily gardening nonsense is concerned.

 artsy sister,gardening,yellow flowers

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