Much Ado About Roses

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Much Ado About Roses

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Today, I wanted to return to the whole rose rant, but first I am going to give you a summery of what I did yesterday. The first thing I was to rant about nonsense. We went out for a second time to look for the acrylic paint my painter friend needed. Eventually, I was able to narrow down what he truly wanted.

He needed Winsor and Newton, but was too ashamed to ask for good paint. Anyhow, our search brought us to a Walmart that was more of a Publix.

We got paranoid and left for home. On the way, we stopped by Fresco and bought some nice looking food. I found some Cheesecake Factory bread. It was real yummy. We also bought some ice cream. It has been quite a bit since we last bought ice cream.

artsy sister,gardening,cute flowers

I am not one hundred percent on it, but it gets the job done when I am itching for a sweet. After this purchase we returned home. I completed half a page from the manga. My brother has a lot of manga work piling up. He is stuck with school for the moment, so he will deal with it when he deals with it.

My novel work is progressing slowly and carefully. I am usually just pick up were I left off. The days when I worked with something that resembled a plot are over. I do not like structure in that sense. I can start and end a story when I feel like it. Recently, my books got relabeled as science fiction.

I was trying to do fantasy, but I guess having aliens and futuristic technology underground suddenly saps all the magic from your magical world. I just really don’t think that the two would exist separate from one another. Both magic and science are part of our shared reality.

Everything and nothing is occurring at once. I think I am getting a little too philosophical. This brings me back to my roses. You will never think that these two flowers came from the same plant. It starts yellow and then it turns white. I hope you find them quite adorable indeed.

artsy sister,cute flowers,gardening

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