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chibi, manga -

This is a page from the Ezekiel book. Like you already know, I made a chibi Bible manga. If you are not up to date with my work, the you must know that I made a children’s Bible manga. I did not designed it for any particular religion. It is not a Jehovah, a Christian or a Catholic manga. It is just a regular Bible comic. This manga focuses mostly on visual scenes. If I cannot illustrated the speech, I just move right along. I tried to keep the book as complete as possible. All the books have at least...

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art, book, manga -

This is one of the longest little projects we have been working on. It is my first graphic novel. I have been working on it with my brother for about 8 years or so. It was an extremely slow process at first. I wasn’t a great mangaka artist. As such, it would take me a week to produce any quality work. This lack of skill is not noticed in the final results. I would make it amassing, even if it took a while. These days I can make a fancy page in about a day. As of now, I have...

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anime, anime girl, book, kida, manga, the furies -

This is one of my recent pages of the manga The Furies. It features Kida getting dressed for a Hindu Wedding. She is in a foul mood because we did not animated her traditional Greek Wedding. When I say Greek, I refer to the Greeks of yonder times, not the modern day chaste Greeks. Greeks these days are but a shadow of their more entertaining selves.  As you can tell, the wedding dress has plenty of small details. I did a lot of research before crafting this dress. Its supposed to be red, but the manga is in black and...

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