painting RSS

art, painting -

This is a self portrait I made using my acrylic set. I drew this based on an old photo I had lying around somewhere. My uncle when he visited brought a bunch of old photos to tug at my heart string. This photo was included in the set. Needless to say, it did not work. He is a douche, but he is my mom’s brother. As such, I had to be polite to the bastard. Frankly, if I saw him in the street I would not recognize him. I only putted up with him because I used to play with...

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book, fantasy, painting, watercolor -

Last night, I completed this lovely watercolor painting. As of late, I have been practicing with my watercolors. The style is obviously anime. I first drew the figures with pencils. Afterwards, I drew over them with a pen. I then cleaned out all the pencil marks to make it all nice and sleek. I then did the colors with watercolors. I first saw this drawing technique in an old anime book I read in High School. I do not remember the title. However, I do remember the subject matter. It was about Mangaka artists and their techniques. One of the...

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painting, photo -

The painting is another blue isolation of mine. The original work had a lot more colors. I was just playing around with the settings of the camera. The original painting can be found in Bahia Principe in Punta Cana. Well, it is more of a framed mural. It makes it a lot harder for people to steal the painting. Mostly, because the painting is fussed with the wall. So, I guess it is like a fresco or something like it. This has nothing to do with my general frame of mind at the moment. I just came from the bank...

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habana, painting, review -

Two weeks ago, my mother got this cool painting from her childhood friend Elito. The two grew up together, and recently they started talking again. That is the old magic of facebook, bringing old friends together. Anyhow, he offered to give mom one of his paintings as a gift. Since it was my brother's house, mom asked bro to pick the painting. Brother chose one of Elio's largest paintings. It was called Habana on Bicycle. Those who live there understand what it means.  For those not familiar with Cuba, everyone is always ridding on bikes. People only ride bikes because...

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acrylics, book, painting -

For the last couple of years, I had not bothered to make a single painting. I was mostly doing drawings and line arts. If I remember correctly, my last work of this kind was made in high school, with tempera. Three years ago, I asked my brother to buy me an entire painting kit, with watercolors, acrylics and oil. Anyhow, through this set, I started to play around with paints. As of now, I have only used  the acrylics. This is one of the results of my ventures.  I was making a front cover for my poetry book. The book...

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