Self Portrait with Acrylics

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Self Portrait with Acrylics

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This is a self portrait I made using my acrylic set. I drew this based on an old photo I had lying around somewhere. My uncle when he visited brought a bunch of old photos to tug at my heart string. This photo was included in the set. Needless to say, it did not work. He is a douche, but he is my mom’s brother. As such, I had to be polite to the bastard. Frankly, if I saw him in the street I would not recognize him. I only putted up with him because I used to play with his daughter, my cousin. Poor, poor, lil cousin of mine. She was two years my senior and yet, she was smaller than me. Whenever I think about her, I only have sad thoughts. This is why I do not bother thinking of her. It is just what you have to do to live. The past is gone, and buried, all that is left is to keep moving right along. Still, I felt like doing this portrait. I think I was a toddler when this photo was taken.

The background wasn’t too noticeable, so I just filled it up. The parrot and the flower were not originally there. I thought it made the painting to more interesting and deep. It really doesn’t mean anything. The colors were also faded out. I had to ask my mom a lot to draw the colors. Mostly, I was confirming if my memories were correct. It turns out that they were. The bed had a cover that was leaf like. Everything in my old house was super old. When I was growing up, I did not pay much attention to anything. I had a lot of nice things, but I did not care much about them. They were there and I wasn’t allowed to touch them. So, since they did not belong to me, I just ignored them. I guess it helped in a way, because we sold everything to come here. Whatever was left, was looted by my uncle, and then there was that other uncle, he came to pick up a lot of junk because he felt entitled. This is possibly the last and only time I will mention them.

artsy sister,acrylic,art supplies

I will now return to pretending they do not exist. I am only extending the same courtesy they offered me. During the few times we hanged out with them, they only spoke with my brother. They pretended I wasn’t even there. It probably is because my personality is so like my grandma, from my father’s side. This was just my family’s long winded way of saying that I was a difficult child. I should say or admit as much. I can be both sweet and your worse nightmare real easily. These days I have calmed down somewhat. People even consider me pleasant and enjoyable to be with. I suppose it is a part of growing up. The personality change occurred overtime. Still, I do not feel any different.

I am still the same douche I was when I was little. Still, I cannot bothered much about it. There is no point in being bratty to your dear mother and brother. Both are the only people in my life. Outside my family, there is nobody that I care about. Sorry, to tell you this my peeps. In my experience, everyone I ever met has been a disappointment. Even my own family have at times disappointed me a little. As a rule, I do not call them on it. After all, people can only do what they can. To demand more, is unfair. This is just about it with my personal nonsense. It is Tuesday and I have a bit of a sweet tooth. Whenever this occurs, I get all nostalgic and grouchy. The painting was done with my US Art Supply set. It came with the paper pad, the paint tubes and the brushes. The line art version I drew it with my royal and langnickel pencil. I then erased the pencil lines with my pentel eraser. I hope you find this information useful.  

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