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punta cana, review, tourism, travel -

This is the open bar in this hotel in Punta Cana. I do not drink, but this is something that interest the rest of the world. I am not one to deny something to folk who truly enjoy a nice alcohol drink with their meals. This is just about all the booze variety there is available in this hotel. Most of it was rum or something else. There was also plenty of tropical drinks. The fruits there were extra sweet. So, if you have a problem with sweets just keep that in mind. It is not as if they put...

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food, photo, restaurant, review, travel -

The photo features a guy cooking food in a Teppanyaki restaurant. This is a type of restaurant where you see the cook making the meals right in front of you. As he is making the food, he asks who wants vegetables or shrimps and then he cooks it. It was quite the interesting experience. The appetizers were actual sushi rolls. I think they came from Sushi Maki. All in all the food was well liked. I am not a big of a foodie. I am always careful with what I eat. The only thing I liked were the fried veggies....

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Artsy's Choice