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Chapter 6 Silver Eye A week passed uneventfully. Irina had seen the strange white shade a couple of times. For some reason, it made appearance a lot more in her room. Since she believed in Santeria and all that type of nonsense, she naturally assumed it was the ghost of Horacio. She did an exorcism of the fellow using a fish, and some grasses. When she was done, she placed the spell components in a bag, and left it in a street that had four corners. When she came to the corner, she noted other suspicious looking bags. She turned...

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book, novel, teresita blanco -

Chapter 4 Delicia After this single unfortunate night in La Palma, the adults developed an aversion for that house and the mosquitoes. The most common mosquito found in Cuba is the Aedes Aegypti. Before Carlos J. Finlay, this mosquito was making quite the dent on the Cuban population through the spread of the yellow fever. According to Cuban history, the guy created a vaccine to threat the virus. Yellow fever is no longer a problem for the Cubans. It might be a problem for outsiders who are not vaccinated, or who do not descend from someone who has resistance to...

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book, novel, teresita blanco -

Introduction The House was first conceived on sunny afternoon in the pool of my house. At first, I was trying to do a horror book. After writing a couple of chapters, I realized that writing horror wasn’t my forte. This is not to say that there isn’t a scary element to the book. For me, the most frightening element is living in my house in Cuba. Most of my memories there are pretty terrible, with the blackouts, the flying roaches, the ghosts and we were robbed twice after my dad died. As far as the main setting, the book takes...

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book, short stories, short story, teresita blanco -

This is a collection of all my published short stories up to date. The index is designed to help you reach the blog segments that feature my short stories easier. If you like what you read, you can feed this writer by getting a print version of my short story books. The Kindle book also works as far as feeding the Artsy Sister. The short stories are based on dreams and nightmares I had over the years. I was able to string together the bizarre images into little short stories.  Short Stories: The Ballad of Exada and other stories: Blanco,...

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book, short, short stories, teresita blanco -

Rose and Rosaline Rose and Rosaline were beautiful twin sisters. Both with gorgeous curly red hair, green eyes and the slender bodies of ballerinas. They had taken ballet in their early teens, but life had chosen for them a different career path. At the moment, they were busy pretending to the journalism people. The tail of their helicopter had just been shot. It spun dived into the ocean, with only the twins surviving. They swam to shore were they stripped down to pretend to beach people. After walking for a couple of miles, they run into a strange commune. The...

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