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Chalon did as it was requested of him. Together they walked towards the graveyard. There were about 4 graveyards in the city. There were about 6 others in the outskirts as well. As was to be expected of a growing city, space had become somewhat of a premium. Those that could afford it had their families buried within the protective walls. Meanwhile, the others had to bury the dead outside the walls or in their back garden. It wasn’t illegal to burry your dead in the garden. It still wasn’t encouraged either. Whenever a family moved into one of such...

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book, novel, novels, teresita blanco -

Time 22:49 The night air was rather cool, and somewhat crisp. The sky did not have a single cloud. This allowed for all the celestial bodies to be shown in their full splendor. In spite of all the moons and sky belts, there was not a lot of study on astronomy. The locals did not wish upon or star, nor did they do anything astrology related. It was almost as if the people subconsciously knew the truth. Despite knowing the nature of this sky, Chalon found it interesting to stare at the night sky from time to time. He was...

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book, novel, novels, teresita blanco -

Time 19:37 Before the carriage arrived, the gypsies were going about their business in camp. Some were rehearsing their little plays, while others were setting up the portable wooden stage. It was common for their performances to be done in the exterior of the city. This did not stop the locals from visiting. They knew by now what to expect. In the morning, the children had littered the city with posters promoting the performance. By now, a crowd of locals was roaming the gypsy camp. There were also a couple of local guards there to maintain order. The jovial peace...

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book, novels, teresita blanco -

Time 15:06 The second request on the notice board belonged to Jay. It read, “Super-secret hush-hush mission for the brave of heart only.” Chalon had read such a post before, and most of his folk tended to avoid any of Jay’s request. Jay had a habit of biting more than he could chew, Chalon usually helped him out when nobody else seemed willing to do so. He walked a bit through the cooking fires and eventually he found Jay’s little trailer he shared with his sister. Kay was waiting outside for Chalon. She took his hand and drew him nearer....

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book, novel, novels, teresita blanco -

Time 09:51 It is well noted that a city is a reflection of its current and past rulers. This fact is well noted in a city like Sassari. While most medieval holds had a martial look, Sassari was feminine. There was plenty of ornamentation that served no military function. Even the stronghold of La Divina was not a castle, but a system of high roof Pavilions. Should the walls ever be breached, the Pavilions could easily be looted. This had never occurred, not once in the long 300-year history of the city. As for the city itself, it had a...

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