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art, liquitex, painting -

This is about the last pouring medium painting I ever made. It was made using Liquitex paint. Liquitex has a lot of mediums to give your paintings a little bit of a special effect. As of lately, I have been using the iridescence medium. It works great as a type of titanium white. When mixed with other paints, it lightens and it gives a nice shimmering effect. It is good for making stuff that have a bit of a metallic sheen. I like a lot those little gimmicky type of paints. I this of all of my attempts, this one...

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art, doll -

I am feeling a little bit hungry. Everyone is sleeping and nobody is feeding me, including myself. The party was somewhat mellowed out. I tried the game Love Nikki. I first loved playing it every second, and then I never wanted to play it again. The main issue was the pop up think encouraging you to use up money. If you are too aggressive about it gets annoying and I don’t have a lot of cash to waste on pixilated merchandize. The idea of it was cute and all that, but the delivery was a bit iffy. It seemed like...

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art, video -

There is really nothing much to say about this or that. I made these videos for my own amusement. I hope you find them quite amusing indeed. They just feature the works of painters.               

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art, clays, craft -

This is just about it as far as my silly clay projects go. I had some clay and whatever laying around. I decided to use it up. Speaking of using up, I have been making efforts to use up all my old US art supply acrylics. I have been slowing using up bits and pieces here and there. I am slowly progressing my way with most of the hues of yellow I have in store. I am also almost done with the purple. Most people do not use purple up a lot. I wonder why. It is a nice color....

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art, video -

   This is a great video I made of the painter Angelica Kauffman. She was one of the few female painters of back in the days. It is always interesting to see the works of female painters. I made the video a couple of years ago. I hope you find the video useful, if you want to fresh up your art history. 

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