Mix Media Clay Projects

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Mix Media Clay Projects

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This is just about it as far as my silly clay projects go. I had some clay and whatever laying around. I decided to use it up. Speaking of using up, I have been making efforts to use up all my old US art supply acrylics. I have been slowing using up bits and pieces here and there.

I am slowly progressing my way with most of the hues of yellow I have in store. I am also almost done with the purple. Most people do not use purple up a lot. I wonder why. It is a nice color. More things should be orange and purple. Today, I have been watering my flowers early.

I do it around noon because the sun is highest. A lot of plants have recently been transplanted. As such, they need a lot of water to get used to the soil. Most people say one has to water around dusk. I find that it works better around noon. Noon is when the flowers need to cool off the most.

All in all, I have gotten into the habit of watering my flowers twice a day. The grass doesn’t get too much attention because I am not a big fan of grass. It rained two days ago so I am not all that concerned about it. The orchid plant looks quite inspired indeed. I placed inside the tree and the roots bounded to it.

It seems like it is going to grow new flowers real soon. While I was out, two people’s toy dogs came at me and started to greet and lick my hands. I do not know why. I just have that animal magnetism as all. I do not have that same pleasing effect with people. I suppose it has something to do with by bored, dour mood.

It is rare that I find another douche’s conversation all that enlightening. I think this is about it as far as my ramblings are concerned. I have a lot of other stuff to get into. Coming soon: my next series of drawings featuring maidens playing musical instruments. I am going to feature a lot instruments beyond the ones people in the west are familiar with.

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