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art, drawing, sketch -

This is one of my early drawings from High School. This was my language art teacher Mrs. Sanchez. She wanted to be a singer, but had to settle for teaching. I used to always doodle in the side of my composition book. To manage the chaos, she gave me my first sketch pad, and first drawing pencil. I made that portrait on a slow day.  I cannot say this meant much at the time, or even now. I was bored at school, and this was something to do. She was standing still a lot, looking at a movie or something,...

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acrylic, art, painting -

I first heard of Tardigrades through the documentary Cosmos: A Space Time Odyssey. This little critter is one of the many micro animals that live in a water droplet. I thought it was interesting the story about it. He can survive in out of space, and does not need to eat food for a year.  I decided one day to do an acrylic painting about this little critter. He is dreaming about his time in space. I placed him inside a water droplet, since he spends most of his time there. The painting itself did not take too long. I...

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18th century, art, derwent, drawing, erasers, pens, staedtler -

All artists and mangaka artist have a favorite color. It is sometimes not obvious which is the favorite color. People tend to compromise their likes in order to be liked by others. As for me, I like pink. Pink is one of my favorite colors. I wish there were nicer pink dresses. Transparency is also a bit hard to manage. I handled transparency by just drawing the shapes in black and then painting beneath the dress. Jewelry also requites plenty of work. As a short hand, people tend to just color the jewelry yellow or just use metallic pencils.  This...

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