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anime, art, drawing, sketch -

I was looking through my art supplies to make new product descriptions when I ran into this sketchbook. I could not find the brand for it, so instead I decided to feature it in the blog. I bought this in FIU around 2009. I was bored in class, and the teacher did not allow computers in class. It seems a bit juvenile that teachers continue with the same nonsense even in college. After all, students  and Uncle Sam are paying for the classes. Who cares if they want to waste their time and not pay attention? Frankly, college felt like...

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art, miami beach -

A few years ago I took this random photo of a kite surfer dude. I tried to frame it in a way that featured him and the kite. It is usually fun to try to see them dock. After all, the kite is designed to propel them through the water at quick speed. Some times I see them crashing into the shore. It is also interesting whenever they try to take off. They usually are already getting about by the time I arrive. They must start their little games early in the morning. The photo was a bit crooked, so...

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art, bayside, miami beach, photo -

Bayside used to be one of my favorite places to visit. As of late, not so much. It has gotten a bit too crowded. Whenever a place gets crowded a get a bit paranoid. Normally, people would call it social anxiety. However, this being the US we have come to be suspicious in crowded area. For example, in the Dolphin Mall a douched used firecrackers to steal a watch. The people ran away in a panic. Needless to say, a couple of people got injured by a scared crowd running away. Another thing I miss about Bayside were the stores....

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art, cute, figurines, photo -

This photo features some cute figurines I wanted to buy. However, there was not much time to buy anything. Then again, we were in a bus tour. As such, there was not much room to take anything. The only thing I managed to buy was a saber. I do not know how long it was in the sword store. The sword was a saber and it was mostly ornamental. It had no sharp edges. Still, as a blunt weapon it works just as well.   Now, back to the beach girls. Their outfits are like the dresses from the 1930s and...

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art, craft -

While walking through the city, I saw this cool looking Museum or art gallery. I wanted to go inside and see the paintings, but we had to keep moving. The photo was taken close to sunset. This shows in the odd reflection in the window. Upon closer examination it seems like an old man is being held by gunpoint or something. He is cowering in front of that strange women. He could also be exclaiming at the sight of the bizarre looking fish. The photo is up to interpretation. I am not one to look through my old work a...

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