Beach Girls Figurines in St. Augustine

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Beach Girls Figurines in St. Augustine

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This photo features some cute figurines I wanted to buy. However, there was not much time to buy anything. Then again, we were in a bus tour. As such, there was not much room to take anything. The only thing I managed to buy was a saber. I do not know how long it was in the sword store. The sword was a saber and it was mostly ornamental. It had no sharp edges. Still, as a blunt weapon it works just as well. 

 Now, back to the beach girls. Their outfits are like the dresses from the 1930s and 40s. Most of them are sitting on beach balls. They look real cute. Around them, you can see other adorable little gimmicks. Another thing  If found annoying was zap gun If you press the trigger you get zapped. It is a good way to deter children from using guns. Though, frankly, it seems like a hard product to sell if the second you hold it, you get shocked.

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