Kite Surfer in Miami Beach

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Kite Surfer in Miami Beach

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A few years ago I took this random photo of a kite surfer dude. I tried to frame it in a way that featured him and the kite. It is usually fun to try to see them dock. After all, the kite is designed to propel them through the water at quick speed. Some times I see them crashing into the shore. It is also interesting whenever they try to take off. They usually are already getting about by the time I arrive.

They must start their little games early in the morning. The photo was a bit crooked, so I rotated the image to have the horizon straight. For some reason my photography teacher always likes to have the horizon linear. I guess it makes it easier to see. A lot of people do not take long photos. I guess this has changed a lot with phones. If it is a camera, the photo is taken wide.

If it is the phone it is a long image. I guess people get stuck in the same camera format. My camera for example has a lot of gimmicks I don't use. I can single out a color, and the rest is in black and white. I guess computers can do that for you. In those types of photos, people only zero in on the color red.


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