Elegant 18th Century French Maiden

18th century, art, derwent, drawing, erasers, pens, staedtler -

Elegant 18th Century French Maiden

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All artists and mangaka artist have a favorite color. It is sometimes not obvious which is the favorite color. People tend to compromise their likes in order to be liked by others. As for me, I like pink. Pink is one of my favorite colors. I wish there were nicer pink dresses.

Transparency is also a bit hard to manage. I handled transparency by just drawing the shapes in black and then painting beneath the dress. Jewelry also requites plenty of work. As a short hand, people tend to just color the jewelry yellow or just use metallic pencils. 


This is one of my first attempts at adding jewelry. At the time I did not have metallic pens, so I did my best. As long as you get the gist of it, there is no need to go crazy about it. I also started experimenting with the color of hairs and eyes. This one has black hair and red eyes. 

I personally do not like adding makeup on my characters. Other people like makeup, and good for you. My dislike of makeup is probably a personal preference. I also do not wear it. The pose is also from one of those old pinup magazines pictures. It looked awesome with the attire I was drawing. The short hair is not historically accurate. I was only featuring the dress and jewelry, not the entire ensemble.  

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