flowers RSS

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Yesterday, we cleaned the house a bit. After debating it a bit, we decided to clean the bathroom with dish soap. Palmolive to be more exact. It ended up looking quite nice indeed. The problem with cleaning with Clorox is the smell. It is also not good for your lungs. Soap has been used for ages. I think anything else is just overkill. It is not as if we are a science lab trying to sterilize the equipment. At least with soap, it no longer hurts our noses. We have pretty sensitive noses. It runs in the family. When we...

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Yesterday, we went to the gym to run a for an hour. On the way out, we went to check out our new favorite restaurant. When we got there, it had a flimsy sign that said it was closed. We were like super hungry by then. We had to leave to buy junk at Publix. Overall, it was one of those real big disappointments. I got my cheesecake and went home. The Gregors are back and in pairs too. Every time a neighbor sprays for bugs they come to other houses. This was done about a week ago and the...

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Today, all the roses opened. I fed them a bit of water last night. I think mother also fed it before leaving. I decided to save up a bit of water by not watering the others till 4 o clock. This is the time that Florida suggests. They claim they are always running out of water. This place is a freaking swamp. I am also a bit concerned about how much the water is going to cost. I will only find out about it in another month. I hope it doesn’t end up too expensive. Money doesn’t grow on trees...

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Today, it has been a bit windy around the edges. This makes it hard for the flowers to keep their nice look. It is a good thing I took a photo of the flowers back when it looked nice like. I am just a little bit mellowed out around the edges. I just watered them a bit. I do so enjoy watering the plants a bit. There is much to consider around the edges. I have to go to the gym today and I feel a little bit fat around the edges. The pizza was good, but I feel gorged....

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Today is Monday and I am a bit mellowed out around the edges. The rose bush opened up a different flower. Most people take for granted the daily miracle of flowers blooming. They are just that amassing. What isn’t a miracle is the presence of the bumblebee. They are an invasive species in the Americas. We have regular bees. They are always been bullied by the bumblebees.   People make it an issue the lost of bumblebees because they produce honey. People only value things that they find useful. I prefer things because of their aesthetic beauty and personality. These...

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