Flowering Stuff and Other Nonsense

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Flowering Stuff and Other Nonsense

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Yesterday, we went to the gym to run a for an hour. On the way out, we went to check out our new favorite restaurant. When we got there, it had a flimsy sign that said it was closed. We were like super hungry by then. We had to leave to buy junk at Publix. Overall, it was one of those real big disappointments.

I got my cheesecake and went home. The Gregors are back and in pairs too. Every time a neighbor sprays for bugs they come to other houses. This was done about a week ago and the little bastards are flogging here. We had to put Boric acid around the perimeter again. It is one of those eternal wars against the pests.

artsy sister,white flowers,gardening

It had been an entire month or two since last we saw them. Those were blissful days indeed. Seeing two in one day is enough to get people on edge. They were entering through the front door. Needless to say, we need a new front door, one that shuts air tight, like those of a ship or an airplane.

All in all, it has been a bit of a mellowed out kind of day. I watered the plants in the afternoon with a bucket. I am not allowed to do the hose thing till 4 o’ clock. I suppose it does save on water and money. It is also a bit of a chore to do the hose thing twice.

If things become a chore then they stop being fun. I think I smell my dinner burning, so I am going to call this blog somewhat short. It does have a lot of nonsensical thoughts indeed. I hope you find the most recent flower photos entertaining. Artsy Sister, over and out.

artsy sister,blue flowers,gardening

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