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bell peppers, flower, flowers, garden, gardening, photo, video -

A couple of hours ago, Florida had a little Tropical Storm named Eta. The storm first passed by Cuba, which was a good thing. Cuba has tiny mountains. They were useful enough to weaken the Tropical Storm before it came to South Florida. This Tropical Storm did a number on Mexico. I pray that God helps the Mexicans from the Riviera Maya. I like Mexico, and the Mexicans. They don’t let folks mess with them. That is something worth respecting. In any case, Tropical Storm Eta also brought flooding to Florida. I guessed that it could cause problems in South...

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flowers, garden, gardening -

Today seemed like a good a time as any to show you my family’s Pilgrim Progress with the raised beds. Now, we are up to two. Both are looking might handsome. Brother person is trying to make one per week. The rains have been favorable. We might just be able to get a good harvest. The bell peppers are starting to show flowers. At least, I think they are bell peppers. The store say they were bell peppers. This time we bought the anti-mosquito plant. I gotta say it works pretty well. You sit right next to it, and it...

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butterfly, flowers -

Before the thing started, I had planted a bunch of sunflower seeds in the garden. I had gotten a variety pack of them. A lot of them did not make it because of the birds. Overtime, some plants that were not sunflowers started to grow. I need to get around to weeding the new flower patch. In among the weeds, there was a plant I did not recognize. I do not know much about flowers. This is the first house with a garden that I have lived in. I have seen houses with pretty gardens, but none I plant in....

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flowers, sunflower -

Today, I was in a photography type of mood. As such, I went outside for like a second to take a photo of my new sunflower. Much to my dismay, the sunflower was still opening. Still, it looks great for being 90 percent almost fully bloomed. From far away, you can appreciate the height of the sunflower. It is almost as tall as the main door. It’s partner is also pretty tall as well. The rains have not been kind. It has been almost two weeks since I saw a drop of water. Yesterday, I went to water the plants....

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flowers -

Yesterday, I finally got around to publishing another one of my books. This is a collection of short stories. The book is not too long. It is only about 66 pages or so. Each of the short stories are about 3 to 5 pages long. They are all based on silly dreams that I had. Only when the book is already online, I will bother to show you the front cover. Until then, just put up with my nonsense a little longer. I have been noticing some mild damage on the leaves of my rose. I do not see what...

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