Peace and Quiet

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Peace and Quiet

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Yesterday, I finally got around to publishing another one of my books. This is a collection of short stories. The book is not too long. It is only about 66 pages or so. Each of the short stories are about 3 to 5 pages long. They are all based on silly dreams that I had.

Only when the book is already online, I will bother to show you the front cover. Until then, just put up with my nonsense a little longer. I have been noticing some mild damage on the leaves of my rose. I do not see what sort of animal is causing the damage.

After googling things a bit, I learned it is the handy work of a leaf cutter bee. They make nests by cutting up pieces of leaves. They are only a bother for about 2 months. I just have to put up with them for that long. It is slow process for the single bug. I read that they particularly like rose leaves.

I am not too happy about it, but the online folks says not to do anything about them. They are at least not as mean spirited as the honeybee. Overall, I am not too happy about the entire situation. Still, the damage is not terrible enough for me to bother to do something about the silly bees.

As far as bug goes, I am Wicker Man about them. The weather has been a little bit mellowed out. I have also decreased the amount of irrigation to my flowers. They do not seem to happy about it. It is important to conserve water and money.

There is still a couple of more days till things get a little bit better. I think this is enough as far as my nonsense goes. I hope you like my new Flower photography. Most of the new photos were taken in the Florida Keys.

artsy sister,gardening,photos

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