Cute Little Flowers of Mine

flowers, photo, purple -

Cute Little Flowers of Mine

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Today is Monday and I am a bit mellowed out around the edges. The rose bush opened up a different flower. Most people take for granted the daily miracle of flowers blooming. They are just that amassing.

What isn’t a miracle is the presence of the bumblebee. They are an invasive species in the Americas. We have regular bees. They are always been bullied by the bumblebees.

 artsy sister,purple flowers,floral

People make it an issue the lost of bumblebees because they produce honey. People only value things that they find useful. I prefer things because of their aesthetic beauty and personality.

These living creatures do not need to be useful to me. They just have to be there and look pretty. I think this is just about it as far as my ramblings are concerned. I have a lot of other things to do on the meantime.

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