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The Hollow Knight Baki Parody Ant can carry 40 Times his Own Weight
This is my latest Hollow Knight parody. I was looking at random things for inspiration. It was then when I saw a manga panel from Baki. It featured Oliva carrying his wife about. I decided to do a similar scene with the Pale King and the White Lady. The Pale King is carrying his wife to the Royal Bedchambers, while his retainers bowl in awe. I only added four retainers in order not to steal focus. The design of the White Lady is a little different. It is a combination of her look in the Queen’s Garden, and her early...
The Hollow Knight the Beatles Abbey Road Drawing Parody
I was brainstorming a new Hollow Knight parody. Normally, I like to mix them with artworks. While browsing at art, I came up with this idea, instead. It was such an obvious parallel that it is brilliant. I referenced the Beatles with Hollow Knight characters. I chose the Nailmasters and the Nailsage as stand ins for the Beatles. They are in the City of Tears crossing the road. I added notations to the lineart to remember which lines are white and which ones are black. One of the nailmasters is without his shoes. He is almost smoking. I...
Hollow Knight Bugtanic Titanic Parody Drawing Fanart
Today, I did a Hollow Knight x Titanic parody. I had the Pale King and the White lady taking the role of Jack and Rose. Their Bugtanic ship crashed in Greenpath. Due to his arrogance, the Pale King didn’t add any life rafts. He assumed that his Bugtanic ship was unsinkable. When his ship sank, only the floating door was able to save him and his wife. As gamers might remember, Greenpath is covered in acid. The White Lady is on top of the wooden door that is barely containing her massive weight. There is simply not room enough...