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miami beach, photo -

I am writing this assuming that nobody is going to read it. It is the original way I used to write and it suited me rather well. Ever since I became obsessed with money, all my writing has turned into mush. The only reason why I want people to read my writing is to make money. I do not know why. I am in one of those states were I think, if I was filthy rich, then I would finally be happy. I had not been happy in a long time. There are a few minor bursts here and there,...

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miami beach, photo -

This is quite the cool beach scene. The beach was really windy, and yet the water was super still. It was the perfect conditions for kite surfing. It was also dandy for photography. The sky was really blue. It is rare for such conditions to come together. I am drawing a bit of a blank. I cannot focus on this actual photography. Today, some folks from back in Cuba visited to talk about the old days. Most of their conversations were for mother. Anyhow, the lady expected me to remember things from like 20 years ago. I do remember because...

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miami beach, photo, review, travel -

Yesterday, I was in a children's birthdate party. It was the first birthdate of the great granddaughter of one of mom's friends. I went with my family to the party in a banquet hall, even though it was pouring. We were one of the firsts to arrive in spite of the fact that we were half an hour late. The party was rather pleasant, decent food and good company. It was pouring too much, so I did not bring my big camera. Also, they had an official photographer, so I did not want to crowd the place. The interesting thing...

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photo -

There really isn't much to say about the format of photos. There is many ways to get it together. The real issue people have to work with is people. Photographers always have a hard time getting their sitters in an artsy form, that doesn't look fake. I tend to avoid it by photographing people in public spaces. Since they are there, I am in my full right to photograph them. So, if you do not want to be photographed avoid such places. For more serious stuff, you have to be kind to your sitter. This is best shown by the...

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camera, photo -

Most people do not understand how their tiny cameras work. A good number of them have a manual mode. They work well for specifics and more key projects and the like. The first thing you can control is the aperture. You can control it by raising up and down the F. The f and the number that follows it refers to the size of the lenses. The lower the value the large the hole. This makes the image brighter, but it sacrifices focus. The higher the value, the darker the image. It also makes it a lot more focused. Think...

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