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frog, photo -

This is one of my latest photos featuring some weird craft frogs. Some of the things you see in the Keys are just really bizarre. As of late, I have been desiring to return to the Florida Keys. I want to photograph more storefronts and the like. I usually only limit to the front because people tend to get annoying if you go inside just to take photos. They would not mind so much if they understood a bit of internet marketing. I suppose some things cannot be helped. Most of the stores just seem to exist to look pretty....

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florida keys, photo -

The Florida Keys is one of the few places I have seen were there are a lot of independent stores. There was a single street were there was like 30 different types of stores. The rest were just art stores. Everyone couple of steps there was a fellow peddling goods. This was one of the few places were I wanted to buy everything I saw. It is a good thing we live in a little bit of a budget. Even if I came into some money I would keep my purchases under control. There is no need to hoard up...

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photo -

I always find amusing to take photos of other people taking photos. I took this pair when I was in the Florida Keys. It featured a couple taking a photo. As of now, I am once again a little bit distracted. I am in the middle of seeing one of my favorite anime shows. Well, I suppose I should start for real some of my ramblings. The Florida Keys has changed somewhat since the last time I saw it. This would only be noticeable to a fellow who visited before and after Irma. The main place to tell the difference...

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florida keys, photo -

A couple of weeks ago, my family and I were visiting the Florida Keys. I know I said earlier that I was just going to do the drawings. Still, I find that to be a bit of a bother. So, for now I am going back to just featuring the photos. It saves me a lot of drawing and arrangement. I can just jump back into the writing. I wonder how I am going to share that on Amazon. I suppose I could just feature the finepix camera and then move on with my life. It certainly would be a...

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miami beach, photo -

I decided to do some writing about the past or whatever. This way people will not ask me about the past, and all that junk about it. It is written down, outside my noggin. In a place where it will not bother me ever again. I think I did the same thing with all my negative emotions. They were pretty common when I was in school. I putted them down into poems. Now, that I am free of these negative emotions, I no longer write poems. In a sense, getting rid of those thoughts and emotions is a double edge...

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