Scooters at the Florida Keys

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Scooters at the Florida Keys

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A couple of weeks ago, my family and I were visiting the Florida Keys. I know I said earlier that I was just going to do the drawings. Still, I find that to be a bit of a bother. So, for now I am going back to just featuring the photos. It saves me a lot of drawing and arrangement. I can just jump back into the writing. I wonder how I am going to share that on Amazon. I suppose I could just feature the finepix camera and then move on with my life. It certainly would be a nice change of pace.

Regardless, I just wanted to add a couple of photos. They are a bit unedited. My brother is the one who has the photoshop in his computer. I could go edit the photo there, but it is a bit of a hazzle to jump between two computers. I rather just take the entire photo with my camera and then go on with my life. Sometimes I think it could look dandy in black and white. However, there isn’t even the most basic program to do that in my computer.

Then again, I think it is a bit too much of a bother. If a photo needs any gimmicks, it might as well be scrapped. I never did have a proper eye for the whole photography thing. I just take photos without putting much thought into them. The only couple of interesting photos I have ever taken have been with my underwater camera. Very few people take interesting photos with such a camera. Most of the photos are just sports shots.  

I do not mean to say that sport shorts are terrible. Rather, they would rarely be framed up. Still, they are interesting. Most people tend to enjoy a good action photograph. Action photos usually require a lot of light and a fast shutter speed. The shutter speed is good for taking photos of people in motion. I have taken a couple of decent ones on that matter. They were mainly for my photography class. Now it seems like such a long time ago. Most of the tricks I learned were for my Canon camera.

Now, with this Fujifilm camera I have to relearn how to work with it. So far, it has been a easy venture. Still, I would not hold my breath on that matter. Mainly, I am just trying to provide something that resembles content. I used to be a little bit more all out in my old websites. Then again, I grow bored of talking about other people’s works. I suppose I should give an overall perspective on the painters that influence me. If anything, it is a good excuse for dusting off that old piece of information.

Don’t forget, refrigerated knowledge gets ruined over time. The same way as a piece of steak left in the freezer for too long. When it comes time to eat it, the steak is all moldy and stuff. Then again, I was never the sort of fellow to enjoy eating steak. When I was little, I used to eat it all the time. I would eat steak and spaghetti for dinner every day. Now I just eat it with bacon. I have decided to give it a bit of a break with that because it is fattening. Also my brother and my mother seem fixated on making the bacon badly. It always comes badly cooked on one side or another.

Maybe it has something to do with the bacon brand itself. I do not know. Yesterday, we went to Bahama Breeze. We wasted like 100 bucks just to eat nothing. The food we took home is still rotting there. I just really hate eating there as all. Still, mother likes the fruity drinks so I suppose there is no helping it. It was a good excuse to go play Pokemon Go a bit. The place got decent reception from the outside. In the old days I used to like going there. However, they retired one of the best cheesecakes ever made. Since then, I despise Bahama Breeze.

I only put up with most outside foods for the chance of eating a particular desert. As of late, I have decided to change the structure of the paragraphs a bit. I remember my lessons from journalism. People find it annoying to try to read a thick wall of text. It is just useful to make arbitrary spaces every so often. Still, five columns or so per paragraph does seem to be pushing it. Whatever happens, at least you have this dainty photograph to work with. See you latter then, my friends.

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