My Poems Part 9 - Dead Ones, Fragments, Finding the Right Words and More

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My Poems Part 9 - Dead Ones, Fragments, Finding the Right Words and More

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Dead Ones  

Life is but a passing shadow.

A new age, a new world, a new dream.

Time and time again,

I seek solace in my solitude.

But alas, the world finds me.


Perhaps, I should become

A renunciate, a nun,

A priest or a beggar.

 Yet, even in that form

Life finds me.


I detest life,

Because I am dead.

To be dead

While living

Is a torment

I desire upon everyone.


Only when all become

Like the dead ones.

Can my life be done.



I cannot stand

Living like this anymore!!

Day in and day out.

All the same

Nothing more!


Finding the Right Words

I cannot find

The right words

To describe this…

“feeling”, this…

Disgusting taste

In my mouth;


“sour”, yeah!

That might work…

Still… it seems

A bit weak,

It fails to capture

The essence of my loathing.


Oh! Wait! “ Loathing”.

Not a sensory word,

But it will have to do,

(for now, anyway)


Yeah… I loath

My generation,

My time, my space ,

Even the air

I breath is poisonous,

No, Venomous, ( yeah,

Venom, sounds so much better)

To me.


I cannot stand

Living like this anymore!!

I don’t have the right words

To describe this feeling, this longing. 



When I am

Feeling down,

So blue, so green.

I seek solace

In those pale,

Sweet, innocent eyes.

So naïve,

So full of life.


Your will,

Has yet to be crushed,

Opaque, discarded.


I cannot stand

Such a sight.

It help me remember

My lost ember.


My back is bent,

My heart broken.

I cannot stand

Living like this anymore!


I am tired,

Oh, so tired.

No let me

Look on…

Once more,

Let me forget

That I am me,

For one final moment.


Fragile Success

Fragile, success is so fragile.

Easily broken, taken!!


The old ember,

That once shone

Is all, but extinguished.


My futile efforts

Have once again,

Gone unrewarded.


What is left of your pride now?




And just like that

My pain is gone.



Why help others

When we ourselves

Are beyond saving?


We still wonder alone

In this valley of shadows.



I am tired

Of all these empty faces.


The mask I wear

Hides my cold bones.

I died  

Before I had a chance

Of being born.



Oh! God! I refuse

To add another grain

To the hourglass

Counting our end.



The wheel refuses to turn;

It goes on…

Tick, tock, Tick, Tock,

It lays a path

Toward my end.


Emotional Baggage

Oh! I am tired

Of these dead



The emotional

Baggage of others

I refuse to carry.


Build a wall,

I must scale

The highest peaks.

Just do not speak

To me, about your problems.


To remain alone

Is my only desire.

I am already resigned

Myself to this fate.


Don’t try to save me,

I did not ask for help.

Keep your charity

For someone that truly needs it.


I been along

All my life.

Yet Despair,

Does not know my name.


Don’t save me,

Don’t help me,

I carry no baggage,

So please leave me alone.


Your helping hand

Will crush me,

I do not want

Your emotional,



I do not wish,

To hear your

Emotional garbage.


21 Years Old

My eyes only see shadows,

I have no one

To write to,

These words fell on death ears.


Since I entered

This living grave,

I feel myself age.


I see myself age,

My once brown hair,

Has become ashen

And I am only 21!


Am I sad?

When I look within

All I find is pain,

And sorrow,

Such woeful words

Come easily to me.


“Are you sad?”

You may ask,

I do not feel



No… you could say

I do not feel anything….


No, not a hint of remorse (or sorrow).



This mania keeps me alive,

If I did not have

This strange urge,

This repetitive,

Repetitive desire.


Lo’ by now,

I would be

Consumed by fire.


The same jokes

Do not tire me,

The same song

Does not bore me.


Nay, it only gets better!


Hey, heheheheh,

Ha, Ha, hi, ho, hu!


Let the madness take shape!

Hahahaha, he,heh, huh!



You realize

That it is

Those two idiots.


Who have driven  you nuts,

They get so shocked,

So easily,

They think so much alike.


They crippled you,

Bound you,

You cannot escape!

Their blood flows within you.


To be the only sane person

In a nuthouse,

Is a pain

I do not wish on anyone.


Let’s pretend,

Let’s play their game

A bit longer.


By the Window

I bet you were hoping to find

Something different,

By the window,

By the window,


By the window

Still shines,

The same rays

Of the sun.


You still hear

The same old, song

By the window,

By the window.


By the window

You were hoping to find

Something else, something different;

By your 3rd story window.


There is no one,

There is no one,

By this window,

By this window.


Yet you wonder why,

You still gazed out

By your window

Hoping to find…


Someone else, something different.


Yet, for now

There is no one

By your window,

By your window.



I wish to know you,

My new self,

Your face seems clouded…

Why so much disdain?

Your refuse to turn,

Why do you ignore me?



Happy is the man

Without desire,

Such foolish notions

Knows no fire.


Even in the end

His will still bends

Towards his desires.



To live, you must destroy your “self”.

Forget it, discard it.

It brings forth so much pain.

Societal expectation

Demands your veneration,

Of their chains.


You must refuse to submit,

To this blind torture.

Even now, it binds you,

Even now, it lies to you.


You must refuse your “self”.

To escape this deafening pain!


Damn it!

That struck a cord…

I do not know why

Seeing her like this

Awoke such pain

And sorrow…


My iron will lies broken.

I was such a painful blow.

Looking at her,

Just thinking of her,

It kills me, hurts me.


My happy Muse,

Disdained, Lost, Discarded.

Is this… Damn it!



I have no true confidant;

Most often I must

Take the bitter pill

All by myself.


It kills me, downs me.

I dare not take another breath.

Why am I on this path?

My feet refuse to take another step…

Yes, they know what lies ahead.



When did life

Become a waking nightmare?

The same old phantoms

Keep singing my old requiem.


Another step and soon,

I will hear the bells

Tolling my doom.


I am tired of my life,

My all, my sins.


I cannot find solace

Even in my sleep.

Oh! What a fool I been!



Hello, Big Mr. Word.

Do you feel cool

Or indescribable?

No, no Mr. Word,

You’re the fool…

(not I)


Do you think it cool

Being so indefinable,

So elusive in meaning?


How yucky!

Nay, give me plain

Spoken words, any day!

Oh! Big, Mr. Word.



Planning for a tomorrow

That will never come,

The man bends his head

Low, taking all the blows.


“Yes sir”,” no sir”,

He always whimpers,

Longing for a bone.


Now with gray hairs,

He finally grasps her cold remains.


Too little, too late

Did you realized

Your own mistake. 



They do not seem to disappear,

Their faces still haunt me.

My waking hours

Provide no pleasure.

My dreamless hours

Are a horror to me.


Why won’t they disappear?

Their grimaces still haunt me,

Even in the mirror

I see them clearer.


They smile at me,

Mocking, laughing at me.


All is opaque, all is fear!

Why won’t they disappear?


Among Them

Starving for a tomorrow

That I failed to find,

I reach out, hoping to bind

This wretched sorrow.


It kills me,

As it heals me,

Let me forget

That I am among them.


Oh! Sweet hunger,

Numb the senses once more,

Kill all my forlorn.

Let me forget

That I am among them.


It would be so Easy

It would be so easy

To forget that I am insane,

Reality is so lame.


All Roads lead

To the same pit.

I hear it

Beckoning, Calling.


I cannot escape it,

It binds me, harms me.

It would be so easy

To accept by down going,

But alas, they drag me

Once again, to my feet.


It would be so easy

To go with the moon,

But alas, they even

Denied me my own doom.


It would be so easy

To escape, forget,

So, why can’t I even do this?



Dance, dance,

Ye, elegant ladies.

So quaint, so hollow.


They turn, turn, turn,

With their white hollowed masks.

Look at them, they paint their faces.

With a mockery of life’s colors.


They refuse to admit,

That they are dead, dead, dead.

Watch these hollow maidens

Turn, turn, turn.


The music has yet to burn.

Let them sing once more.

Dance, look at their pose.

They have no eyes,

They are cold!!




50 miles and counting,

It’s a slippery slope,

And down we go.

Into the deep;

He swallows us whole.



The cold Shower of yesterday

Has sobered me from my dreams.



I am the first, the last, the middle,

I am the hero of all your zeros.



Drink the poisoned chalice,

Within it lies true salvation.

Forget all conversation

Raise that poisoned malice,

Only then you will bear

Those thousand cold stares.


Repeating Myself

I grow tired

Of repeating myself.

The same old songs,

The same old hymns.


If I struggle to rise up,

I gaze behind and witness

My Pity’s woes.


I cannot lie

Confi’ in my bed forever.

I must break free

And use my hands.


That day I will

Discard delusional light,

In order to fill

My empty belly with iron.


I grown tired of repeating myself,

The same cold songs, and hymns.


What do you see?

Look past the mirror,

What do you see?

Behind those cold eyes,

Behind your philosophy?


Such arrogance disgust me!

I cannot bear to look at you,

My eyes shine within you.


Look past the mirror…

What do you see?

The same desire,

The same ire.


Forget it, Discard it!

It’s not a part of me!


Your face disgust me!

Your face is all repugnance,

Look past your vengeance,

What do you see?



Hands are busy,

Busy, busy,



I don’t hear him,

He is not calling,

Busy, busy,



Hear the wheel,

It keeps spinning,

Busy, busy,

There it goes.


Hands are busy,

He is not calling,

Must stay busy,

Busy, Busy,

Or else do His work.


Old Wound Version 3

Sometimes old wounds

Bleed forth with time,

So many woes,

So many lies.


If I could see him,

One last time,

Maybe then, I could ask him why…


See him walk forth, breathe and die,

Even now I see him, wither…


Such a memory

Makes me shiver,

I guess time

Never healed that wound.


Old Wounds Version 4

Lately old wounds

Bleed forth with time,

So many woes,

So many lies.


If I could sing

I would soon die.

My last song

Is my forlorn.


Death whispers softly,

“It’s time”.

 Her sweet embrace

Stills my chase.


It would be easy

To lay down and die,

Only then true rest,

Would not be jest.


Cold is the Wrath of a Psycho

Cold is the wrath

Of a psycho,

Look at his gaze,

Such a menacing stare,

Such a threatening glare.


Cold is the wrath of a Psycho…


Wielding the blade

Of a hate he never felt,

See him come,

There he comes…


Cold is the wrath of the Psycho…


In his gaze,

There is haze,

It’s a maze.


Look at him,

His head turns.

Flee, he escapes

In his cape.


Cold is the laugh of a psycho…


Blue Guitar or the Ballad of Johnny Six Fingers

Johnny six fingers

Has a blue guitar.

Look at him writing

For a two string,

My, how he loves to sing.


The best guitarist

In a five mile radius,

Jonny six fingers.


He spent his hours,

Saving, counting.

Hoping to light his ember

With a true fender.


Johnny six fingers

Sold his blue guitar.

Look at him wailing,

Hoping and shouting

For his old guitar.


The night is cold,

His eyes grow old.

Johnny six fingers

Now has four fingers.

His old guitar

Is humming, howling.


In his darkest hours,

Johnny four fingers

Turns on the radio

To hear his old blue,

Say once more, hello.


The old blue

Now has six strings,

Listen to her sing!


Johnny now sings

To the memory,

To the melody

Of his old two string guitar!

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