My Poetry Part 8- Fragments, With a Capital F, Bitter Bullet and More

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My Poetry Part 8- Fragments, With a Capital F, Bitter Bullet and More

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The sky is so blue,

And I can hear

The waves roar.


Beyond the gentle breeze,

I can smell

The coming storm.


How could this day

Turn so dark and gray?

It seems only yesterday

That my laugh was loud and gay.


With a Capital F

My advice always

Seems to fall on deaf ears.

Oh! Why do I even bother!

Nay, they rather

I say, yay, yay,

To their foolishness.

But I am no fool…

Fools are they,

With a Capital F!!!



How foolish …

Getting frustrated

And angry

At something so trivial.

So commonplace.



You can never surmise

What lies hidden

Behind these eyes.



The hand of Midas

Strangles us,

He turns our dying breath

To gold dust.



The dye is weighted

The roulettes have magnets.




Though it be a mortal sin,

I curse you

From the bottom

Of my heart.

I cast you to hell!

Oh! Preacher of death!


Survival of the fittest

You say? Nay!

Those with riches

Are never the fittest!

They are cursed genes,

Envious and green.  


They rot the self

Made by man!

Who are they

But grim reapers?

Birds of prey,

That steal the chick

From both the falcon

And the white lark.



The times we live in,

Are all so dreary.

Never were

Harsher words

Spoken today,

By a mortal man

Who calls himself Christian!


“Let him die…”

The good Samaritan

Has rotten.

Oh! A curse upon

All who look

At wealth as a sign of grace!!

Who convenient for them,

The sin harvesters. 


Remember the width

Of the needle!!!

You cannot pass

Through this sacred door.


Nay! You would buy

Your way into heaven,

If you could !!

But alas, the dead

Have their own

Unique currency!!


I have my two gold coins.

Where are yours?


Bitter Bullet

This bullet tastes bitter,

 I have become a quitter.

Even in death I remember

My old life’s ember.


With a haggard face,

I take my place.

My back is bent,

My heart broken.


The life I led

Has met its end.


All I see is despair,

I fallen from this stair.

No the abyss

Swallows me into its mist.


I tasted this bitter bullet,

Yet again!!


Rosy Garden

Never knowing the answer,

Failure awaited you.

You fled from the open door,

Opportunity wasted, it’s over!!


Yet again, you must choose.

Opportunity beckons you.

Now it’s time, to step forth.


Do not flee

Into the rosy garden,

From there you

Cannot escape.


Enter the open door,

The future calls you.

Break these chains

With your sword.


Do not enter

Into the rosy garden.

Inside every fountain

Lies a snake.

Inside every bush

A bee’s sting hides.

The open door calls you,

But you do not heed!

Why do you flee

Into the rosy garden?


Are you afraid

Of the rising sun?

Do you flee

From the coming storm?


These glass shields

Will not keep

Away the rain.


Listen to it!

It roars!

Do not flee

Into the rosy garden.

Go through the open door!!



Tired of waiting

For a tomorrow

That never comes.


I feel betrayed,

Distraught, harmed.


Behind this mask

Lies untold horrors.

Perdition is weighing,

Beckoning, calling.


I cannot let it drown me.

I cannot let it harm me.


Despite this naïve resolution,

There comes bad luck’s contribution.

My fate is sealed, set, Done!



Another day wasted,

This solitude

Knows no interlude.

It is ever vigilant;

It is ever constant.


This cursed solitude

Is my only food.

Many days, wasted.

Night spent in agony.

Waking up to reality.


Flower of May 

Solemn, dull and gray

Goes the flower of may.

Why so solemn, pretty flower?

Is today your final hour?


Only yesterday, you rose

From beneath “his” shadow.

Yet, your gaze remains hollow.


A prisoner of his force,

You still remain,

The freedom you gained

Is but a passing moment.


Tomorrow, the earth beckons.

Each passing second,

Is but an eternal torment.


You quicken your pace.

Yet, you still remain chained.

Behold, that haggard face

Has risen, once again.


The day has turned to night.

Time to relive winter’s fright.



Sleep seems so far away.

As I sit here,

Writing pages

That no mortal eyes

Will ever see.


The sun has risen,

It’s all bright, crimson.

Ah! My mind is blank,

Void and empty.

I see my thoughts drift



Sleep never seemed so far away.

As I sit here thinking, sinking.


Half asleep, not fully awake,

This city lives and vibrates.

Full of empty faces.



I cannot find myself,

I lay here chained in this chair.

Filled with visions of hell.

My life is cold, so unfair.


I fled from their empty faces.

Only to see them reflected

In my own face!!

My, how I have aged…

How I have changed…


My hands, cold as ice.

My face, a marble mask.


RIP Lil Bunny 

Sleep tight lil bunny.

For the grim reaper has come, come!!

To take you home,

Flee not lil bunny!!


The faster you run,

The swifter he pursues.

It is time to choose,

Hop away or stop!!


Here you scream,

Dodge his scythe,

The harvest is ripe.


“Come and dream,

Accept my scythe,

You cannot hide!”


Run, lil bunny,

Run, lil bunny,

To your rabbit hole.


Even if you lie,

More than 6 feet under,

Death will tear you asunder.

Run lil bunny!

Run lil bunny!


“You cannot escape me.”


Run, lil bunny!

Run, run!!


“Hide, lil bunny, hide,

The harvest calls,

The seed is ripe.”


Run, don’t look back!!

For death comes,

Run, lil bunny run.

Drag your heels,

Flee into the mountains.


…now death turns to silence.



I came to watch you bleed.

The echoes of your screams.

Brings me a twisted smile.


It’s been a while

Since I indulged in wickedness.

This saintly existence

Has my back bent, twisted.


Yes sir, please,

Perhaps, maybe,

All this “yay” say

Has consumed me,

With thoughts I dare not whisper.


The sound of your whimper,

Makes me smile.

Suffer, cry, bleed!!

So, that I may live!!


The taste of your blood

In my red lips,

Has my cruelty

All in flamed.


Please survive for another hour.

Let me smell the whip

Rotting in what’s left

Of your decaying flesh.


Breaking the Diet to somewhere or other I forget

Pizza, Cheeseburger, Burger king,

McDonald, Subway.


God, I am starving today,

I could really

Use some French fries.

This diet is killing me.


Veggies, salad, Broccoli…

I am tired of them all.


I could use some meat,

Mankind was not made

To eat this shit.

This diet is killing me.


I want now salvation,

In the form of a Mack and cheese.


If I could drink,

Just one soda…


I am tired of this shit,

I want to eat some meat.

Bring me some fries,

& a hamburger with cheese!


I don’t care, no…no.


Even, if I blow up

Into a fat pig.

I will continue to eat.


This cursed diet

Cannot guarantee me

A life of bliss…


Like the Present

No time like the present,

To drop… drop dead!

Such foolish pretences.

Knows no, no end…


The sinful mask,

We dared to wear,

Has corroded our face.

I cannot take off

This fleshy mask.


There is no time

Like the present,

To drop, drop dead!


This foolish pretence,

Does not seem to end.


The fools that I met,

Wear the same Ivory face.

So frail, so hollow.

The black & white

Keys keep rising & falling.


This tune, this melody.

Knows no living end.


There is no time

Like the present, 

To end this song!



The well of Mnemosyne has dried up.

Beneath its empty bellows

Lies the oblivion I failed to find.


I failed to find

I cannot help, but hope.

Ah, what an empty word.


Hope has no meaning to me.

Each day I see,

A new grain fall…

My hourglass is almost empty.


The tomorrow I failed to find,

Now gazes back and grimaces.


I cannot find solace

In empty routines.

Day in, day out.

The hours become longer.

My spirit again hungers,

For the hope I failed to find.


What was it all for?

My words are meaningless,

I have no one to write to.

As oblivion creeps up my spine,

I begin to wonder;

What was it all for?


My life lies wasted,

A useless tomorrow

And this gripping sorrow

Become my foster father.


As I move on farther,

The shadow of tomorrow

Begins to fade.

I cannot see

The road that I must thread.


Blind, insane and lost.

I wonder in the darkness.

What was it all for?



I find comfort

Once again.

In these empty pages.

They are for my eyes only.

For I am, oh, so lonely.


Money, cash, loot.

That is all that matters to them.


This material existence

Has left me,

Oh! So sour.

Even in my darkest hours.

I find solace in my solitude.



I see them waling

With confidence

To the open mouth.

The pit, the pit.

IT calls!!

“Come, Come”,

it calls!


The Beast Escapes

Deep inside these burning eyes

Lies the beast,

Waiting for the right time.


Whispering, waiting,

Hungering for a tomorrow

She failed to find.  


Fuming and raving,

The beast cries out,”

I cannot find

Solace behind

These cold iron bars!!”


It seeks to kill

All the good will.

These golden links

Has her tamed.


Hungry and depraved,

The beast rattles its chains.

Like a serpent

Ready to strike.


I cannot hold the beast at bay anymore…

Soon her head will shine

Outside these bars, these chains.


Blind poems 

Tomorrow seems so far away,

For someone with empty sockets.

After being deprived of my true vision,

Now I stumble inside

This valley of shadows.


Where are the empty plains?

The oasis in the desert?

I cannot restrain

This sign of frustration.


Fueled by temptation.

I seek the fragile light of today.

Only to have it escape,

Turned to dust.


Numbers or Why won’t the last grain fall?


The wheel is cold, turning.

Loser’s fate

Has changed, it’s gone.

The bitter pill

I was forced to swallow,

Has made me cold, hollow.


Turn, turn, turn,


There goes the seconds, the hours.


This foolish embrace

Cannot replace my father!!


Turn, turn, turn,

The wheel must go!

On turning, Go

Go, go, turn!



The minutes are passing,

And my last breath is gone.


These final hours

Are filled with so much horror!

Why won’t the last grain fall!





The last grain refuses to fall…

I count the minutes, the seconds;

But it will not fall!!


Time is still, Frozen.


The same minute,

The same second.

The wheel is stuck!


Why won’t the last grain fall!?



I cannot stand myself,

Even my own shadow

Is repugnant to me.


The life I led

Has my heart

Cold, ashen.

Golden Heart

The weight of one’s heart

Is measured in gold.

No other element or fiber.

Just plain, cold gold.


It takes the shape

That binds us.

We cannot escape.

It weights us,

Drowns us.


The road is so cold.

Hard and barren.

As I am weighted down

By your god, Gold.


So few a fiber,

Yet, its heavy, heavy!


I cannot give

Another step,

To the deep.

I must go.


World’s Provider

World’s provider,

World’s denier.

To your tune,

We turn, turn, turn.


Such desires

Burns with ire.

Burn, Burn, Burn.

The cold fume…

This cold tune.


The dance to your honor

Is food for our horror.

This nightmare knows no end…

It won’t end, end, end!!


World’s provider,

You denier,

Of your song,

Of our song.



Perfection, Damnation,

This is our conversation.

Look at me!!

Recoil from me,

But do not turn from me!


Your self possessing pride

Has blinded you!

So now bend low,

Then you’ll know.

The path that lies before you.


My Lonely Friend

Loneliness is my only friend.

I embrace it,

Caress it, love it.


It’s my friend and lover,

I take him with me

Wherever I go.


Even among strangers,

I feel him beside me…


Slowly, waiting

To have and to hold me.


I cannot stand

Life without him.

Only he keeps

Hypocrisy at bay. 


Only when I am with you,

Do I become my true “you”.



I cannot stand life

Without you.

My lifetime companion,

My friend, my husband,

My all!!

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