Short Stories 1 - Dream, Ballad of Exada, Mission Jupiter and More

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Short Stories 1 - Dream, Ballad of Exada, Mission Jupiter and More

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The Dream

I was wandering around the forest with some people. They were all roughly my age. Inside the hole of a tree, we discovered a dark room. The place was rather narrow, and darkly lit. One of my companions pulled a switch he felt on the floor. It was one of those switches that you find inside a power plant. When the light turned, one could see the stairs, spiraled upward. On the third floor, the building became more opened. There were several fenced paths that led to three doors. They each had a few stairs. My companions entered ahead of me. Behind those doors was normal looking lab. Like those labs you see in any regular school. It resembled a bit the science lab at FIU or maybe the one in Barbara Goleman. On the right side, it was raised up like a stage. There stood several chairs, like those of the dentist. Beside each was a table with hundreds of particular instruments.

They seemed like the items used by a hairstylist. It had scissors and nail clippers. There were also several surgical items. On the left side of the lab, there was a classical chemistry lab. However, all the transparent basins were empty. There weren’t any chemicals inside the beakers. Seeing this clean lab, my companions decided to rob the place.

I told them, “That is a stupid idea”. Pointing to the surroundings, “the cleanness of the area implies that someone has used the place recently.”

“Relax, the place looks deserted,” said one of the companions. “The air is stagnant; there is no dust because this lab has not been opened for years.”  

“That’s still no reason for looting the place” said I, looking about,” I have an eerie feeling that something is watching us.”

“You say this every time we enter the Kika’s Mansion”, said a different companion.

“Do as you like,” said I leaving the lab,” Whatever happens it will be you guys’ fault!”

To the darkness I said, “I am not with them!”

While I was outside, one of the companions opened one of the drawers. Inside were several different sized and shape crystals. One of them raised it to his eye and looked through it. He started screaming like a madman. The others looked though the prisms.  

“There something inside this room!!” they screamed as they began to flee. They kept holding a prism to their eyes trying to escape from that “something”.  I was not too worried. Unlike them, I could awaken whenever I felt like it. I was just waiting around to see what would happen. The companions took the rails from the fences. They used them to seal that “something” inside the lab.

Eventually, not even the crystals were needed to look at that something. The entire place began to be full of people. They looked normal; however, there was “something” wrong with them. At first, I thought they were zombies. It was later that I was told what was wrong with them. They surrounded my companions and escorted them into the lab. Inside, they were being treated. I thought they were being made into zombies. Their hair and nails were being cut and placed inside bottles. That is a type of voodoo ritual to deprive a human of their freewill. I think they were also being torn limped from limb or something else. They did scream a lot. I did not care much for them. I did warn them, after all.

Aside from being psychologically tortured, they were not in any real danger. I think they were simply suffering from dream pollution. The Mansion was manifesting something that was familiar to them. Dream pollution is very common inside the mansion.

As for me, I was greeted by the owner of the lab. He was hiding behind his physical human body. His fake form looked normal enough. I tried to look at his real form; however, something kept me from looking at it closely. I do not know if it was fear. I must say that it was too horrible to bear.  His voice was gentle. He beckoned me to sit down. I sat down in one of those chairs. Around me, I could hear the screams of my companions. Behind me, I could feel his true form. He ritually washed my hair. He said this water would alter me. I was going to notice the difference when my body became more elongated.  I do not remember what happened next. The dream got polluted with things of little significance. I had exited the Mansion.

The Ballad of Exada

A girl is lost in the Grand Canyon. She is small and frail looking. Her white dress lies torn around the legs. She keeps walking and walking, but to no avail. She could not find her parents. As the sun began to fall, the Girl begins to lose hope.  The Girl sank to the ground. The red earth stained the folding of her white dress. Tears slowly fell from her pale blue eyes. A faint wind rose and it swayed her long, curly brown hair. She felt something odd and scaly by her hand. A strange, ugly black lizard was by her. It gazed at her with its strange black eyes. His black scales shone bloodshot reddish, beneath the burning sunset. The girl stopped her crying and looked at the lizard.

“Can you help me find my nana?” asked the girl.

The lizard stuck his tongue as a response. The girl said in a reptilian voice, “Yes missy, I know this place like the black of my claw.” After “saying” this the lizard departed. He climbed over a nearby rock. He looked back at the girl and motioned with his head. For the whole night, the girl trailed behind the lizard. She was so tired of walking, yet the lizard urged her on. Around twilight, the girl collapsed. She was too tired, and a bit thirsty. She could not walk anymore. The lizard saw this. It quickly crawled back to the place the girl had collapse. It got over her neck and it nestled under her hair. A few minutes later, the police found the girl. Since the lizard was hiding beneath her long hair. It was easily overlooked.

The family of the girl was quickly contacted. By the time her nana arrived, the girl was already awake. Seeing the adults, the girl took the lizard from her neck and hid it in the breast pocket of her white dress. Sometime passed, by then, her family was aware of the girl’s unbecoming, new pet. That Exada was such a disgusting looking pet. More than trice, her nana tried to offer the girl a new pet. One day, she brought a puppy. The girl quickly rejected it, because it frightened Exada. The cat lasted three days. However, the girl got jealous of the kitten. Exada liked to talk to the kitten more, than the girl. She made Exada choose between herself and the cat. Naturally, the girl won over Exada. In the end, only a little canary and a goldfish fish stayed. Yet, they did nothing to get the girl to lose interest in Exada.  

Eventually, the nana and the butler had a brilliant idea. They figured that the girl needed some human friends. Keeping this in mind, they casually introduced Mimmy. Mimmy was the well-bred daughter of Nana. Due to her station, she had her Mimmy going to a regular school. She told the girl’s father of Exada. He casually dismissed the issue. He told Nana to do what she thought was necessary. He did not mind paying for a playmate for his “Darling”.  As for Exada, he said that kids should be allowed their own eccentricities. As long as Exada did not interfere with her lectures, the girl was allowed to have him.

Following their plans, Mimmy started her lectures with the girl. Mimmy’s mother began dressing her in fine silk. She introduced Mimmy not as her daughter, but as the girl’s cousin. Nana had instructed her daughter to play the part of the good friend. This advanced home school education promised to open the doors for Mimmy. Thus, Mimmy was groomed into the perfect friend.

The girl got along well with Mimmy. She played with her dollies and her tea set with Mimmy often. One day, the girl got enough courage to introduce Exada to Mimmy. She sat Mimmy down in her chair that went with her tea play set. Amused, Mimmy kept her smirks to herself. “I want you to meet a special friend”, said the girl.

“Oh! A special friend” , Mimmy sort of figured that she was going to meet the girl’s imaginary friend. She was not prepared to meet Exada.

“Hello, Mimmy, it is a pleasure to meet you acquaintance” , said Exada. He reared his black head outside the window of the girl’s dollhouse. Mimmy had always wondered why they never played with the doll house. Now she knew… that house belonged to Exada. Opening the front door, Exada waltzed outside the dollhouse. The girl got a mini table and chair outside the house. She got for him a plate, with a few bugs she had the groundskeeper catch for Exada’s meals. Quickly, Exada “sat” in the chair. The warm summer light fell on the lizard. Coolly, Exada enjoyed its comfort. With his body all warmed up, he proceeded, “I have been told you are the Missy’s cousin.”

“And your point being…”, responded Mimmy smirking. The girl brought a chair and sat close to Exada.

“That swine of a woman thinks me a fool. But I am onto you!” said Exada accusingly,” You wish to get rid of me like all the others. However, she will not part from me! I saved her life. You cannot put a price on a child’s life!”

“Cousin, it’s not funny!  I love you! I would never do anything to hurt you or your pest!” said Mimmy rising, but she checked her temper. Truly, she wanted to crush that lizard and give that snob a piece of her mind. However, keeping her mother’s rebukes in minds she said, “ Oh! You wound me so cousin and I love you ever so much.”

“I will forget the fact you called me a pest…” said Exada offended. He went back indoors and refused to come out. In tears, the girl said , “I knew you would not understand”. Grabbing Mimmy by the arm she said, “Get out! Get out!”

Some days passed and Nana noticed the change among the girls. Mimmy told her mother of her encounter with Exada. Annoyed, Nana tried that very night to get rid of the lizard. However, she could not find Exada inside the dollhouse. She did not suspect that Exada slept in the breast pocket of the girl. Since the campaign against Exada began, the girl took care to hide Exada in her person whenever she slept. Eventually, Nana thought her own reaction was pretty childish. She resigned herself to the unwelcome guest. After all, this Exada had bought a future for her daughter. Keeping this in mind, she told Mimmy to make peace with Exada.

A few years passed, uneventfully. Exada had become part of the family. Nana was still freaked out by the lizard. The Father had grown to like Exada. He enjoyed talking with him about the family’s business. His advices time and time again had proved most fruitful. To him, Exada was the son he had always wanted. Exada had a sound business mind and an eye for money. By now, the entire household revolved around the lizard.

“How long do you think lizards live?” asked the driver.

“Who knows…” says Nana.

“Not long I wager…”responded the driver coolly.

Both were observing the girl taking Exada to the garden. She placed the black lizard, of the blue belly by the fence. He glanced at the girl with his black eyes. She smiled at him, and she imagined he smiled back at her. The girl then went back inside and got her books. She began to do her homework, outside, in the garden. Exada coolly watched her do her work. The lovebirds sung their melodies. The sky shone bright blue, under the burning summer sun.

“Ah! Exada… I love you! You’re my best friend!” says the girl looking up from her homework.

“You honor me, missy!” responded Exada.

“Do you remember the first time we met?” asked the girl.

“Yes, it was in that cold barren desert. The red earth and the sky, seemed to fade into one. Both crimson, both a prison…” said Exada glancing at the blue sky.

“Do you miss your home Exada?” asked the girl.

“My home is with you Missy.”

“You always know what to say to make me feel better, Exada” responded the girl.

The next day the Girl was riding inside the limo with Exada. As usual, the girl had Exada at the edge of the closed window. He was watching the scenery pass by. The road was rather bumpy. The girl worried that Exada might fall off the edge of the window. When she went to pick him up and put it in her dress, the window suddenly opened. A strong gust of wind swept Exada out of the car.

“Stop the Car!” said the Girl.

“Sorry missy, I cannot stop the car on the freeway!”

Ignoring him, the girl opened the door. The driver saw the girl’s intentions. He quickly obeyed her. Running franticly, to the edge of the road, the girl discovered what was left of Exada. He was badly wounded. He had lost his tail and one of his legs. His left eye was crying blood.

“Both you and I knew that this peace was not going to last forever” said Exada.

“I don’t want you to die!” said the girl.

“My time was growing near” responded Exada limping toward the sobbing Girl. “Do you remember Goldilocks?”


“One day you found him upside down. The next day he was back to normal” the girl held the wounded Exada in her arms, “It seems the monkeys wanted to spare you the sight of a timely dead. The fools… despite their old age, they refuse to give death its due. They would rather you think that I was lost forever, then for you to watch me die. Alas, their childish efforts were for naught.”

By now the driver had gotten out of the car. “I am sorry missy…I was just following orders.”

Exada did not die right away. He agonized for four weeks before dying of his wounds. The Father even got a vet to try to save the lizard. However, his efforts were for naught. After Exada died, the girl released her canary. She gave her goldfish to Mimmy. She never had any new pets, after Exada.

In no time, the girl grew into a beautiful young lady. She never spoke about Exada, since his death. From time to time, the lady would stand by the window. With her forehead pressed against the glass. There she would sigh her youth away. One day the family, returned to the Grand Canyon. By then all but the lady, had forgotten about Exada. That day, the lady, sported a white dress. One similar to the one she wore the day she met Exada.

Like that other time, the Lady wandered away from her family. Only this time, they never found her. Since the father had no other children, he had Mimmy replace his daughter. From time to time, whenever the sunset sky glowed red, Mimmy thinks of the Lady and her Exada. Never again will she look at the same way the pets of poor, lonely children.

Mission Jupiter

The wizard was in an alien world. The ground looked rocky and shiny. Almost like ice. The temperature was mild. Not too cold, not too warm. There was no wind at all. Heck, there was never any wind. The air was always static. It was as if that world never rotated. The sky had a greenish, blackish phosphorescent look about it. It shimmered a lot, as if there were stars in the sky. From time to time, you saw burst of aurora borealis. The sky broke the monotony of the ground. Unlike me, the Wizard was not impressed by the sky. He was too used to the same sight. Day in and Day out, the sky looked the same. The inhabitants of his world never perceived the days passing. They were only aware of the passage of time because of their ancestors who had lived in a world like planet Earth. They carried with them the chronology of their old world.

A long time ago, their race had crash landed on Jupiter. They had originally intended to land on Earth. However, their ship broke along the way. In those days, Jupiter was just a giant ball of ice. It had barely any atmosphere. With no vegetation, heat, or air; their race was doomed to die in that barren planet. Luckily, these aliens had a great mastery of magic. Using their powers, their ancestors generated a stable atmosphere. To prevent invasions, they gave this atmosphere different layers. In essence, they created the first Auria. The only way to penetrate their planetary auria world was to enter via magic. Science could never create a machine strong enough to penetrate those layers of gas, acid and hydrogen metal. Due to this large mass, in no time Jupiter drew onto itself many nearby planets. Its gravity also destroyed a world, which became our asteroid belt.

As time passed, these aliens evolved in a way that mimicked their new environment. When this took place, we may never know. The alien’s timeline is based on a faraway world, of a faraway universe. It bore no semblance to the time scale of planet Earth. Thus, day, years, hours, differed quite a bit.

After hearing this long exposition, the Wizard made his way to the human mission in Jupiter. Pointing toward it he added, “This is the reason why NASA gave up on space travel. They are ashamed to admit that they “discovered” alien life not via science, but by magic. It is a tough pill to swallow for any men devoted to science. As a matter of fact, it was my father who made first contact, in response to their silly little alien message.”

By now, the Wizard was at the entrance of the Human colony. From the outside, it looked like a serious high tech bio dome. It had a lot of spikes and antennas. From time to time, the auroras would be absorbed by those rods.  Once again, a product of science was being powered by magic (in this case Ether). On the bottom, there were hallways that led to an open clearing. Inside, the fake sky was deep blue, with “clouds” coming and going. “My kind prefers the earthly sky. They are tired of the surreal monotony of our world. Never changing, always static”.  To makes this colony more appealing to the aliens studied, the bio dome simulated earthly weather, from rain to snow. That day the dome was simulating warm summer weather.

Inside the dome, the place had an auditorium like feel. There were different floors, each, rising up a step higher. All the apartments of the aliens faced the center, B1 level (jungle). In there, they had some of their animals. They all were strange versions of mammals and dinosaurs common to our planet Earth. The most interesting of them were a pack of something that resembled dinosaur raptors. They had their shape. However, the colors and the eyes were most bizarre. Their extremities too looked a bit monkish and deformed. These were the smartest of the lot.

When we looked down they were forming an animal ladder. The alpha male was trying to get inside to attack everyone. The Wizard, amused, got close to the railings and kicked the beast down. This kick caused all alien raptors to lose their balance. The Captain seemed like he was going to suffer a nasty fall. However, he managed to land on his hind legs with a thug. He then looked up at the Wizard and screeched.  

After this the Wizard, visited his father. His apartment was in the first floor. It was a bit dark, but clean. He had the classical human commodities, from a refrigerator to a TV (which he never used). There he lived with his alien wife (or the wizard’s stepmother) and his half-sister. I was surprised when I saw the wizard’s father. I never would have guessed that this man was an alien. Everything about him looked completely normal. He had short, well-kept black hair, long eyelashes, deep black eyes (same color of his pupils). He was about average size, and weight. As usual, he sported a simple, completely black tux. Nothing about him gave away the fact that he was an alien. Sensing my surprised, the Wizard explained, “ The ETs DNA is identical to that of the humans. It’s the Phenotype that gives us our inhuman quality. By undergoing extensive plastic surgery, even we can pass for human. We may be different on the outside, but we are identical on the inside”.

As for reproduction, the aliens and the humans can reproduce. The Wizard was among the first human and alien half breeds of these days. As a matter of fact, this was not the first times that the Jupiter aliens made contact with the earthlings. Long ago, both the humans and the aliens could wield magic. The humans used it to harm each other. In time, their bodies became immune to magic. This immunity also took away the human’s ability to use magic. As for the aliens, they could still wield magic because they never used it to harm one another. Therefore, humans who can still wield magic (in this day and age) are descendants of the Jupiter aliens. Whenever the time seems ripe, they send new aliens to breed with the humans. It is their hope to one day depart Jupiter and live in planet earth, like they had originally planned. The problem is that not all the aliens wield enough magical powers to escape the Jupiter auria. Thus, migration to Earth has been rather slow. Recently, they finally had a sufficient number of alien wizards for a new colonization project in planet earth. NASA is helping to coordinate this new migration, with the help of the Father, aka the former alien ambassador to Earth.

On the meantime, the Wizard has been preoccupied with teaching his half-sister magic. Once she comes of age, she will undergo plastic surgery to go live in planet earth. He also has busied himself with taking over his father’s ambassador duties. Originally, his old man lived in planet Earth. However, he got bored of the humans and decided to return to Jupiter. He married an alien wife and now lives a pleasant life in the Jupiter Mission. Aside from Magic, the Jupiter aliens are known for their future sight. Unlike foresight, future sight makes then perceive everything as if it was a few, years, days or decades into the future. Let me explain, when an alien sees you, he will see you the way you will look like in 4 (the time depends on the power of each future sight) years into the future. This future sight is always on. As a matter of fact, the aliens were not aware of this altered perception. It was discovered in their first encounter with the humans. They saw themselves no different, than the humans. Thus, when they went to take their plastic surgery, they would tell the surgeons of their future face. Via this power, the father was able to tell pretty early who had enough power to go to the human world. His future sight saw them with human faces.

We discussed this and many other things as the Wizard made his rounds in the Mission. There the humans interacted with the aliens who were going to go to planet Earth. Those who were going to the mission were children. To facilitate their adaptation, after their surgery, they would go to school with the regular humans. In time, they would become one, with humanity.  The Wizard did not seem too humored with this project. He had lived as a human and had chosen to return to his home world to help other poor fools join the human race. He regretted that they had to share planet Earth with the humans. From time to time, his human nature would temp him to obliterate the entire human race. Yet, it was not in his alien nature to seek the death of others.

Asleep in my Solitude

When did I awake? I cannot remember. For how long did I sleep? Do I still sleep? I cannot tell. One moment I was nothing. Why was I sleeping? I care not to remember. Then, I became aware, of what I cannot tell. I hear a strange beating, a strange drumming. It is so close… yet, I cannot discern its source. Sometimes, it is faint, soft… at other times, its sound is maddening. For how long I heard that sound? I cannot tell.

By now, I hardly perceive it. A new sound has caught my attention. It is high, crisp, resounding, and rhythmic. I feel a strange chill down my back. I trembled a little. Now that strange sound becomes a stream. It quickly dissipated now it is no more…   

Some time passes, how long I cannot tell? A new sound draws my attention. That new sound becomes many… what I am listening to, I know not.

“Mommy, look, a big scary monster”

“That’s just rocks and moss”

Those strange sounds fade away. Once again, I listen for silence, and darkness… It hurts! I feel a strange jabbing sensation bellow my ribs. I am afraid; I hear that strange drumming louder. It’s so fast, my chest hurts. I cannot move. I wait for the pain to pass. I grow bore of these strange new sensations. With a sign, I try to relax. A strange warm surrounds me. It is pleasant. This warm alleviates the pain in my ribs.

“How strange…”

“The entire wall has melted off…”

“The place looked fine just this morning”

“MMmm… Bummer, should we tell someone”

“Eh, whatever”

Ah… to sleep, the sleep of death… Is there no greater joy than this? I can’t even hear that drumming sound. It’s so warm and pleasant. That strange chill is gone. There is only silence, nothing. Wait, how strange? I turn my head to listen better. Wrrr….. or its grr..? Ouch! Something fell on my head, and another, and another. What an unpleasant sensation, to be buried alive. Hahaha!! The wrr sound stops.

“What the hell was that?”

“What? Did you say something? I can’t hear you over the sound of the drill,”

“…Maybe, it was just my imagination…still”

I don’t know why that thought humored me so much. Now, I am completely buried; the same sensations, to the left, and to the right. It’s not too unpleasant. Once again, I know peace… I feel a strange sensation beneath my eyelids. This is… light. I have not felt it for I know how long. I bury my head deeper in the ground, to shield myself from it. I care not to see the world anew. There is nothing out there that interests me. Just let me sleep, again anew.  I hear a strange crunchy sound above me.

“Mimmy, come look”

“What, we are not supposed to be here”

“There is something buried beneath this sand”

“I hope its treasure”

“No… I mean there is SOMETHING down here. I saw the sand, like sink down, a foot or two”


“Over there”

“Here, Ahhh, I am sinking”


“Hahaha! I am just messing with you, scary cat! There is nothing down there!”

“We should still look! I just can’t shake the feeling that there is something down there”

“Fine, I have nothing better to do”

Once again, a new sound interrupts my sleep. I can feel the ground being removed all around me. My head no longer feels heavy. I can hear more, newer stranger sounds about me. The ground is being removed above me. Just around my face.

“Look, it’s just rocks down there”

“Very round, sharp rocks to boot”

“Maybe we should keep digging”

“Nah, this is stupid, let’s go!”

Those merry sounds depart. What a pleasant sounds leave me alone, in my solitude. Why does life call me anew? Sleep, sleep and forget why I desired to sleep, anew, so… A current sweeps me, drowns me. All is silence anew. Sleep, forget. Do not listen to anything, do not feel anything. Let me rest in peace, in my solitude.

The Twelve Zombie Saints

The lord is my shepherd, … and though I walk through the valley of the shadows of  death , I shall fear no evil; for you are with me” Psalms 23

Late, at night, a faint rain fell over the pier. There was not a living thing in the pier, except for some soldiers. All wore identical blue camouflage uniforms, backpacks, rifles and guns. All were young, clean shaven youth. These youths were being led by a veteran. Unlike them, he was used to death and carnage. As such, Captain David Preston ran ahead of them.

Behind him, three soldiers were helping a frightened lady keep up the pace. Her name was Jane Smith. Jane wore the Captain’s jacket that was too big for her petit frame. Bellow her jacket; one could see the dirty long blue dress. As she ran, from time to time, she would trip on her dress. However, her escort’s strong arms would keep her from falling. Her pale face was stained with dirt, blood and tears. The maiden was in labor. Yet, she could not stop to give birth just, yet. Barefooted, she was forced to keep on running.  She had been running nonstop for days.  Her only concern was to preserve the precious life inside her. Her escorts were of a same mind.

After much running, the party made it inside a cargo ship. It was the only remaining vessel. There they barricaded themselves in the bridge. The bridge had only one entrance. The windows stood three stories high. With two soldiers guarding the door, and the Captain at the helm, the medic started delivering a new life into this horrible world.

The Captain tried to fire up the engine. Sadly, the noises created by the ship alerted the zombies. Slowly, lazily, rotting corpses made their way onto the ship. At first, they were one, two, and three. Soon, the ship was a sea of zombies. Seeing this, the Captain tried to operate the crane from within the bridge. Using the giant cargo boxes he got rid of a good number of zombies. However, the ship still refused to leave the pier.  The Captain feared the ship was broken. By the time the engine started, the ship was full of zombies.

“Ahh…” yelled Jane. This sole scream alerted the zombies of their location. Cursing his rotten luck, the Captain activated the ship’s alarms. He hoped that the alarms would disorient the zombies. His plan worked, partly. Some found their way into the bridge. By this time, the soldiers were running low on ammo. The two guarding the door had to resort to crushing the rotting skulls with the ends of their rifles. After some hours, Jane finally gave birth. The medic gave a sign of relief. After cutting, the umbilical cord, the medic searched his backpack for a clean blanket. After wrapping the baby, he gave her to Jane. The new mother was pleased with her baby. She gently stroked the child’s little face. Feeling her mother’s touch, the baby seized her crying. In no time, the baby went to sleep. With the child asleep, the mother allowed herself to rest. Seeing her asleep, the medic took her pulse.

“Her pulse is a bit weak, but she will live” said the medic.

Taking his kind, blue eyes off Jane, he turned his gaze toward the encroaching infestation. Armed with his machine gun, he joined the two soldiers in the desperate fight against the zombies. To make matters worse, a storm ensued, rocking the ship side to side.

Two hours later, the storm cleared up. The Captain could clearly see the lighthouse over the horizon. The sun was starting to rise. The soldiers had managed to put enough furniture between themselves and the zombies. The problem now was getting out of the ship. They docked near a humble, desolate port. The houses were made of plain, oak wood. The town looked as if a hurricane had passed by. Many of the houses were either demolished or in a poor condition. There was not a vehicle in sight. Jane was now awake and she was feeding her baby. The Captain looked over in her direction. That tender sight, for a second, made him forget the nightmarish yesterday. However, the zombies’ moans brought him back to reality. Sighing, the Captain turned off the alarms, and the engine. His soldiers looked exhausted. They had slept the rest of the night on the floor. The medic had been bitten during the fray; he laid there in a corner, fighting the infestation. The Captain saw the medic motioning to him with his hand.  He walked over to the medic, and sat by his side.

The medic looked sadly at the Captain as he said; “I will not go quietly into the night… I will serve as the zombie lure. I know this town… straight across the port…there is a church, and there is a bus there. (Coughed out blood) Take it and go”

“Thank you, it was an honor to have you in my unit”; responded the Captain. Rising, the Captain commenced his task. Taking Jane by the hand, he guided her to a corner. After waking the sleeping soldiers, he made a barricade of furniture for Jane.

“Stay down there both you. Don’t make a peep!” said the Captain grimly. Jane and her baby nodded in response.

“Now, where do we hide?” asked the Captain looking about.

“Sir, all I could find were some sheets” responded one soldiers.

“Eh, it could be worst…” answered the Captain. Feeling silly, the Captain and the two remaining soldiers hid beneath the sheets. Like veiled guardians, they took their place before the barricade. They hoped to shield Jane with their bodies, if necessary.  

The medic, struggling to rise, crawled toward the door. To give himself strength, he gave himself an adrenaline shot to his heart. Removing the remaining furniture, the medic forced the door open. The flood gate of zombies poured over him. Forcing his way across bites and scratches, the medic lured the wave of zombies away. When all grew quiet, the Captain removed the sheets. I can’t believe it worked, though the Captain. Very quietly, the soldiers and the Captain removed the furniture. Together, they helped Jane rise to her feet. On tip toe, they passed by the hoard of feeding zombies. The Captain avoided looking in the direction of the remains of the medic. By now, the sun was visible over the horizon. Slowly, the sky bathed the decaying night with the warm red hues of life. When the light fell on the sleeping baby’s face, she stirred a little. Frightened, the party quickened their pace. When they got out of the ship, the Captain set some explosives. Once they were far way enough, the Captain detonated the ship that sank with all the zombies.

The noise was so loud that it woke the sleeping child. She began to cry, most pitifully. The mother tried to console her baby. The seemingly abandon port, grew alive with death. All about, zombies of all ages began to prow the street. Their tattered clothing’s clung to their decaying flesh. Throwing caution aside, the group began to run in the direction of the church. They could see it standing ominously over the ruined houses. It was also the only building still in one piece. Its stonework stood strong against all destructions. The façade was simple. At another time, it served as a gothic prison. It was later remodeled into a church. The dungeon became its catacomb. The interior was decorated like a Renaissance cathedral. The prison’s barred windows had been converted into stained glass windows. After climbing the stone stairs, they were shocked to find the front gates locked. Seeing this, the Captain went around and tried all the doors. All the while, the baby kept on crying. By now, the zombies were slowly surrounding the group.  Starring death in the face, one of the soldiers began laughing like a madman. Banging on the doors, the mad soldier yelled; “Sanctuary! Sanctuary!”

“Have you gone mad?” chastised the Captain. Much to their surprise, a priest opened the church’s iron doors.

“Come, quickly!”

Without a second’s hesitation, the party entered inside the church. The priest quickly locked the door behind them. Under a timid, candlelight lights, the Captain surveyed the scene. The sun entered the church in strange shades and colors. Some of the stained glass windows remained intact. Looking about, the Captain noticed the presence of 13 haggard faces. Near the altar, twelve monks, of various ages, knelt. They wore identical brown, Franciscan habits. The youngest one among them, 15 years old boy, was doing more crying than praying. The priest was a middle age man. He had a few white hairs. His most distinct features were his cynical smile and sad black eyes. He was wearing his mass white clothing, with a green cloak. On the back, there was the sewing of a haloed lamb. On a corner of his collard, the Captain saw an interesting symbol. It was a stylized sun. In the center, there were the letters I.H.S. The H had a little cross over it. Seeing the Captain’s interest in the logo, the priest pointed to the sign and said, “That’s the Jesuit logo.” Like the visitors, the priests and the monks where stained with blood and ashes.

In one trembling voice, the monks chanted over and over, “Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours be done.”

“You’re from the army?” asked the priest.

“Yes”, responded the Captain.

“Are they coming to rescue us?”

“No, Father, they are going to cleanse the infected areas. We must get out of range of the drone attacks;” responded the Captain.

The priest sighed at this. Noticing the presence of the visitors, the monks seized their lamentations.  The youngest monk beckoned the mother to a dirty bench. He tried cleaning it with the ends of his robes. Smiling, Jane sat down with her baby. Afterwards, he brought her what bit of food he could find. Saddened Jane said, “I can’t accept your rations”.

“It’s fine, we are monks. We are used to fasting for the lord.” said the youngest monk.  His pale blue eyes, watered anew. While Jane ate, the youngest monk played with the baby. Rocking the child in his arms, he began to sing softly, “Kirie, eleison.” On the meantime, the soldiers and the Captain went to sleep on the church benches. That soft melody not only soothed the baby, but their nightmarish pains as well. The other monks also joined in. Outside, they could feel the zombies gathering, lured by the song.   

After the song, the priest poured some water in a chalice. He blessed it and said to Jane; “We should have the newborn baptized”.

“I am sorry, I am not a Catholic.”  

“Neither am I”, said the priest, laughing to himself, “It will still give us something to do…”

“Your blasphemy never seizes to amaze me…” rebuked the elder monk, gritting his teeth.

“So, what do you suggest we do?” asked the priest, folding his arms.  

“I guess a baptism will do,” responded the Elder, “Any objections?”

“Fine…”said Jane.

“First we need a godfather” said the Younger. After returning the baby, the boy made his way toward the pulpit. From there, he started “minie, minie minie moeing”. The lucky chosen Godfather was the Captain. After this election, the priest went up to the sleeping Captain. Gently, he shook him by the shoulder and whispered, “Get up, Godfather, we are going to baptized your kid”.

“Since when is he my kid?”

“Stop being such a sour puss. You can go back to sleep after the Baptism;” said the priest.

Getting up, the Captain asked, “What do I have to do?”

 “Just hold up the baby while I Baptized him in the name of the father, the son and the…” said the priest. Behind him the Elder added, “Holy Ghost!”

“I knew that!”

“Sure you do…” said the Elder. His wrinkled face smiled anew.

With the Captain’s acquiescence, the monks awoke the other soldiers. With everyone awake, the priest began the mass. From time to time, the Elder had to remind the priest of his lines. When it came time to baptize the baby, the priest asked Jane to name the baby.

She responded, “And he shall be Levon, and he shall be a good man”.

“Seriously, Woman! We all heard of Elton John! Are you 100% sure you want to call my baby Levon”, asked the priest.

“Fine… what name do you suggest?”

“How ‘bout Jesus?”, said the priest.

“There is like a billion Jesus and half of them are zombies by now…” responded Jane, frowning.   

“Emanuel”, said one of the monks.

“Moses” said another.


“That’s a chick’s name”

“She is a chick if you idiots have not noticed”, said the Captain.

“Really?” opening the blankets of her baby, Jane saw that she indeed had given birth to a girl. She added, “eh, would you look at that… with all that’s happened, I did not notice whether my baby was a he or a she. Still, I don’t want any churchy names.”

“How ‘bout Lakshmi?” asked the young monk.

“Who’s Lakshmi?” asked Jane.

“She is the wife of the sea colored god”, responded the younger.

“Neat, let’s call her that”, responded Jane.

“No” said the Captain, “I am the Godfather! I will name the kid! I can at least spare him; I mean her, the agony of entering the afterlife with a stupid name. I will call her Priscilla.”  

“Cute…I, Baptize you Priscilla, in the name of the father, the son and the holy ghost” said the priest.

“Hey, wait a minute,” said Jane angrily, “I don’t like that name! Baptize her again, so I can change her name”.

“Sorry, double baptism is an anathema,” said the Elder, in his usual stern fashion.

“You’re never any fun,” answered the priest.

Taking the remaining water in both his hands, the priest sprayed it on all everyone. “Now I baptize all of us in the name of the father, the son and the holy host;” said the priest, “our new name will be Priscilla. Amen”.

Appalled, the Captain asked the Elder, “Is he out of his mind?”

“You would think so, considering all that’s happened, but his holiness has always been like this. Even before this so called Zombiepocalipse” responded the Elder.

Stepping aside with the Elder monk, the Captain left the party arguing about their new names.  He then asked the Elder, “You think it’s the end of the world?”

“They shall seek death and they shall not find it” responded the monk.

“That’s from the apocalypse, right?” asked the Captain.

“Yes, my son” responded the Elder.

“So, when is Jesus going to come on his white horse to save us?” asked the Captain.

“Ah… you poor child, no one ever reads the commentaries” answered the elder, “There is no white horse coming to save us. Apocalypse is all ciphers; it’s a message warning the ancient Eastern Church of the Romans’ attack; nothing more, nothing less.”  

“How disappointing, so doomsday has already occurred and we missed it,” sighed the Captain.

“So on top of zombies, you want locusts, 4 horsemen, legions of demons and a harlot ridding a 7 headed dragon?” asked the elder laughing.

 “Heh, heh, you do have a point…” said the Captain, “I heard your church has a bus.”

“We also have a sports car, a Jeep and 12 Motorcycles”, responded the Elder.

“Why do monks have motorcycles?”

“To get around…” said the monk, smiling innocently, “Now, why do you want a bus?”  

“Doc saw a lot of zombie movies. While we escaped, he kept talking about it. He said that in all those movies, the heroes escaped on a bus. He was the one who sent us here on a wild goose chase” responded the Captain, “It’s not like it matters, if you guys had a vehicle to escape, you would have left days ago.”

“I do see the convenience of a bus. It is a big vehicle…that tips over, easily”, responded the Elder.

“If we could get to it, then perhaps we can get all of us out of here”, said the Captain.” Where is it?” 

“Last I saw the bus it was parked outside the hermitage, in the woods,” mentioned the elder, “The problem that in such a wide open area we can be easily surrounded.”

“Is there any other working vehicle?”, asked the Captain.

“Did you see any on the way here?”, asked the elder.



After this brief intermission, the Captain organized everyone. The priest had already been bitten; thus, he insisted on staying behind. Plus, he refused to abandon his zombie flock to their fate. After much brainstorming, the priest came up with an escape plan. There was a path toward the hermitage beneath the chapel. In the old days, that path connected the dungeons with the execution grounds that now served as a hermitage. The problem was that this path also served as catacombs. When the crisis began, many of the town’s zombies came out from within the church. The priest planned to ring the Angelus bell to lure them toward the bell tower. On the meantime, the monks, the soldiers, Jane and Priscilla would make their way through the catacombs. The sound of the bell would be so distracting that they would be easily overlooked. At least, that was the working theory. With this plan in mind, the Captain helped the monks make blunt weapons from the church ornaments. Thus, armed with metal crosses and wooden shepherd staffs, the 12 monks readied themselves for this impossible escape.

For the first task, the priest rose to the highest tier of the bell tower. The Captain detonated the stair case to keep the zombies from reaching the priest. Before reopening the catacombs, the elder ordered the others to go hide in the chapel.

“Look, there might still be zombies within the catacombs,” he added to the priest, “Ring the bell to lure them toward you, once the coast is clear, I will lock them inside the bell tower. This will allow the rest of you to escape.”

“Look elder, I should open the catacombs,” said the Captain, “This is my unit, and my wards. Their safety is my responsibility.”

“It’s better if I do it. I have already been bitten… I will be with God, soon…” said the Elder.

“I suppose, it cannot helped…”

Saying this, the Captain left the Elder to commence his deadly task. On the meantime, the others went to hide inside the Chapel where the host rested. It was on left wing of the church. It was decorated with stained glass window. The door was made of iron. Once inside, the Captain locked it from the inside.

Giving a sign, the Elder made a signal to the priest. Soon, the church was imbued with the Angelus melody. The Elder walked swiftly toward the door of catacombs, it was on right side wing. He opened the door… In the darkness, he could hear the dead moaning and growling. Soon, there came one, and then another. The first one to rear its head beyond the darkness was a child they had buried recently. As a matter of fact, it was during his funeral when the crisis began. Looking at this corrosive face sadly, the elder led him with his staff. Slowly, more and more zombies reared their heads from within the catacombs. As they walked forth, the elder led this grim funeral procession toward the bell tower. Those hiding within the chapel watched in awe, from behind the safety of the Holy Ghost stained glass window. From behind those multi- colored windows, the procession had a dreamy surrealist quality about it. As the elder climbed higher above the tower, more and more of the dead followed behind. In no time, the entire catacomb was emptied out. Surrounded, the Elder kneeled before his motley flock. He was devoured as he prayed Psalms 23. When his final screams of agony died out, the Captain detonated the explosives bellow the tower. The rubbles trapped the catacomb zombies within the bell tower. The Youngest monk beckoned them toward the open grave.

Angered the Captain addressed the young monk, “This was not part of the plan.”

“God has his own plans too…Do not be saddened by his sacrifice. As soldiers of Christ, we have always been preparing to sacrifice ourselves for the salvation of others,” he said this as a shiver went down his spine.

Saying this, the young monk made a motion with his hand. With his staff he led the living toward the open grave.  In the darkness, the Captain did not notice that the young man had stayed behind. Taking out a flashlight, the Captain cautiously surveyed the area. The zombies that remained where stuck inside the walls. From time to time, a hand would reach out to grab an arm or a leg. Regardless, things went uneventful. On the meantime, the young monk closed the catacomb door. He then walked toward the church gate. Using what fragile strength remained, he forced the church gates opened. It was as if the floodgates of hell had opened up. The torrent of beings killed the young monk before they had a chance to devour him. It was later that the Captain noticed that they were short of a monk.

“Where is the kid?”, asked the Captain flashing all the faces.

“I am holding her right now,” said Jane.

“Not the baby! The Monk”

“Which monk?” asked one of the soldiers.

“The small one”

“Here I am?” said one of the older monks.

“NO! The youngest one!”

“He is dead…” said one of the twelve.

“He stayed behind to open the gates of the church” said another.

“Why would he do that?” asked the Captain appalled.

“The priest asked him to. He wanted to perform a funerary mass, for the zombies outside. After all, the church must never close its doors to those who seek refuge. Regardless of whether they are of the living or the dead” said another one of the monks.

“That is so stupid!” said one of the soldiers.

“Do not pity him, he had already been bitten. It was his desire to sacrifice himself for your sakes, ” said another.

“No more Sacrifices! We are all getting out of this together!” said the Captain angrily to the monks.

“Quiet, I hear something!!”

Moving the flashlight toward the roof, the Captain found the source of the noise. Above, there was a wooden trap door. Over their heads, they all could feel the limp footsteps of the dead.

In a low whisper, Jane asked, holding her sleeping child closer to her chest, “How many do you think there are?”

“I think there is only one” whispered back the Captain.

“Here is Jacob’s ladder”, said one of the monks holding a ladder.

The monks placed the ladder against the wall. Before anyone could stop him, one of the monks began climbing it. Seeing this, the Captain grabbed him by the ends of his robes, and forced him to decline. After many quiet rebukes, the Captain took his place. Calculating the position, the Captain shot and killed the zombie with his revolver. Feeling a numb thump sound, the Captain motioned the other soldiers to climb up. Together, they pushed the trap door opened. By now, night was falling. There was a thin grey mist bathing the timber woods. A zombie limped very close to the trap door; the Captain feared wasting more bullets. However, before the zombie got close to the open door, his attention was drawn by the Angelus bell sounding in the distance. Giving a sign of relief, the Captain got out. With the help of the other soldiers, he began to help the others get out. Jane and her child were the next ones to exit followed by the monks. As the last one was getting out a hand reached out from the walls, then another, and another.

“Jesus Christ! AH!”

Some of the wall zombies had gotten out. In the process, they had knocked down the ladder and the monk with him. His neck broke after the fall. In no time, the starving dead devoured him whole. With a grim face, the Captain closed the lash on the trap door. Now, they were down to 9 monks. All together, they made their way across the timber woods. They could still hear the Angelus bell in the distance. As the sound of the Angelus bell decreased, the volume of zombies increased. From time to time, they were forced to engage a few zombies. When they arrived at the hermitage they found the promised vehicle. It was not what the Captain expected. Instead of a bus, all they found was Jeep. There was barely enough room for 4 people.

“Where is the bus?” asked the Captain.

“What bus?” asked one of the monks, innocently.

“The Bus!”

“Since when did we have a bus?” asked another.

“Enough lies!”

“Just go and leave!” said another.

“We can’t just leave guys, after all you done for us” said Jane.

“Didn’t you wonder why we were so eager to die for you” said one of the monks.

“No… I figured that your pious self-sacrifice, was no different than our sense of duty”, responded one of the soldiers.

“In part…” saying this, each monk lifted their long sleeves, “These are just some of the many zombie wounds we suffered.”

“It has been more than a week since these first bites… Aside from the occasional vomiting of blood, the eternal burning sensation at the pit of one’s stomach, ect. Things have been uneventful. I think our lord granted us life this long to help you,” said another.

“This is stupid! You say that it was God’s will for you to help us?  If God’s so powerful, then why are the dead coming back to life? Or is he resurrecting them just to watch us squirm?” asked the Captain angrily.

“He makes his sun rise on people whether they are good or evil. He lets rain fall on them whether they are just or unjust…” , responded another one of the monks.

“What’s that supposed to mean?” asked one of the soldiers.

“It means that God has nothing to do with zombies or hurricanes”, said another.

“No offense father, but that’s a lot of bullshit!” said Jane.

“Wasn’t that passage about loving your enemies?” asked the Captain.

“Guys, we are wasting time” said one of the soldiers, “Can’t we have this theological debate elsewhere?”  

“Look, they come!”

The living got inside the Jeep, while the monks created a human wall.

“Oh, my God! Why have you abandoned us?” said Jane in tears as the Jeep raced away.

Back in the church, the priest was singing to himself. The night sky was blood red. The rain entered the hollowed bell tower’s windows. It seemed to him that the entire town was attending church that night, for the first time. Among the crowd, he recognized the twelve monks. By now, they all had become zombies. From his high tower, he saw the approaching drones. They were napalming, the entire town…

“And now the town is cleansed in a burst of flames, like Sodom, and Gomorrah. ” The first explosions blasted open the façade and the roof of the church; he could see the whole atrium from his high tower. Some of the zombies had been disembogued by the flames. Seeing such a feast, their fellow zombies began to devour their cooked remains. All engaged in this macabre Last Supper; however, the zombie monks did not taste of the human flesh. They simply looked blankly toward the heaven…

Eighteen years later, Priscilla returned to that ill-fated church. No new zombie attacks had occurred since her birth. The surviving soldiers and their Captain had done much to spread the fame of the 12 zombie saints. In less than two years, the Pope had these saints canonized. By now, hardly anything remained of the church. The bell tower and the Angelus bell where still in one piece. However, the apex of the church and the catacombs were laid bare by the explosions. Everything there had a distinct black sooth around it. From time to time, a faint cold wind would pass through the hollowed out church. Priscilla looked at this place with curiosity. She sported a black dress and hat. Her long blonde hair was combed up in braids. Her tender black eyes were drawn to many strange sights. There had been some vague attempts to reconstruct the church. However, it was deemed sacrilegious to alter this religious site.  After passing by the ruins, Priscilla said a quiet prayer for her saviors. When she finished her prayers, she felt a strange shiver down her spine. Turning around, she saw a group of zombies. They each wore ripped up Franciscan habits. Their faces were bluish; their eyes seemed to shot out from their sockets. Their mouths were rotting. Their exposed limbs showed rotting, worm eaten wounds. She had seen many photos of them on the internet. Yet, the reality of those beings was more than she could bear. She was about to start running when she noticed that they were nothing, but statues. Bellow each statue was the name of the each zombie saint.

“So, there are the 12 zombie saints”, said Priscilla passing by the saints, “They are so life like… I had not notice they were there. It seems like a grim choice of the artist to depict the saints like regular zombies. And what of the priest?”

Giving a sign of relief, Priscilla left the church.

short story collection, teresita blanco, book

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