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acrylic, painting -

This is another one of my Alice paintings. I like to try to serialize some of my paintings. A couple of days ago, I had made a bit of a dud. I wanted to try to make a piece that was political or some nonsense, but then I got bored and annoyed. I ended up smooshing the colors with a sponge and it turned into some abstract nonsense. As such, I wanted to paint something that actually looked good. I was down to my final canvas and it was pretty big. It was then when I thought of the Rooster...

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acrylic, painting -

This is one of my few recent acrylic paintings. From time to time, I get a little something called inspiration. Trying to work without it is not really my style. Sometimes a combination of words, is enough to get going with that painting nonsense. In any case, I have been meaning to get more canvases to make more paintings. There are still plenty of walls left to fill in my room. The featured painting is Alice inside her Head. I wanted to give it a dream like feeling. Alice is part of a mini series of paintings, all with the...

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acrylic, painting -

The weekend was pretty much uneventful. We stayed at home, like the previous week. The plant’s growing has been the only interesting thing out there in the world. There was a curfew, and that got us a little bit paranoid. I had a bit of a panic dream of somebody opening the front door. I got over it quickly, after praying a little, and then sleeping on my side. If I sleep face up, I tend to have bad dreams, it is pretty weird. The second dream I had was a lot more pleasant. I was playing Video Games. The...

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acrylic, art, painting -

The featured painting is relatively new. It is one of those types of paintings that is obvious to some, but confusing to others. For those not familiar with Santeria, the coconut belongs to Elegua. He is a child saint of Santeria. He is associated with Keys, and Saint Peter. There was a lot of religious syncretism in Cuba. I first became familiar with the child saint, when I was little. My grandma had a little statuette of the fellow in the form of a mountain, with a creepy face. When she blew smoke on it, it would release a sugary...

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acrylic, painting -

The weekend was more or less eventful. The air conditioner required some repairs, so that took a chuck out of the profits. Other than that, things went peachy. The gardens have been loving the rains. One of my sunflowers is with seed. Fish brother did a lot of weeding, and I did some too. The soil should be ready to receive new sunflower seeds. The Mexican Sunflowers have been thriving. The butterflies just love them. In the weekend, I did not get too much work done. I did managed to complete manga page. A couple of days ago, I also...

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