acrylic RSS

acrylic, painting -

I have been putting off a bit showing you this piece. In part, I wanted to wait for the Velcro to arrive. I was also not in the mood for doing a little bit of a serious blog. These days I am a little bit mellowed out. I usually get like that when it is sour and grey. A gray sky with no rain is every so gloomy. There is also the issue with today’s date. I will not get into it. It is just one of those days when my family is in a particular sour mood. It will...

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acrylic, painting -

This is another one of my silly acrylic painting. It took a little while to complete. I painted it on larger canvas. As of late, I have been painting whatever comes to my mind. I finally got around to hanging the last couple of paintings. I usually hang them with Velcro. I am not a big fan of hammering into walls. There are some notable exceptions. The paintings by mother’s friend are a tad too big to be hung with Velcro. For this one only, we do get the hammer and nail. Don’t you find it a tad annoying to...

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acrylic, anime, painting -

This is another one of my pretty acrylic paintings. As of lately, I have been working doubly hard on my work. This one is just a bit of an experiment. I am no longer doing the series thing. I am just painting as the ideas come to mind. So, while I have an inch of inspiration, I will continue with my acrylic projects till I use up all my canvases. They were just crowding up my drawers, just sitting there doing nothing. This one is a bit of a spell or something like it. It is the first painting I...

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acrylic, anime, painting -

This is my latest acrylic painting. As of lately, I have been feeling like doing acrylic paintings. I wanted to decorate my room a bit. This is one of the last paintings done on a small canvas. The photo pixel data is larger than the actual painting. As before, I painted her by drawing first on the canvas. I then painted over the pencil lines with acrylics. I am always mimicking the process I use to do perfect linearts. Coloring inside the black lines makes it easier to paint. It does nothing to harm the final result of the painting....

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acrylic, painting -

It has been quite a bit since I did an acrylic painting. Acrylic paintings offer their own fair of challenges. I normally draw with pencil over the canvas what I want to paint. I then pass the lamp black over the pencil lines. To erase the black smudges, I add a layer of titanium white. In the first couple of paintings, I did not do that. This caused the pencil lines to be noticeable. Now, I just erase them with acrylic paint. The white paint adds a bit of light into the colors applied over it. It usually takes two...

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