Doll come Alive

acrylic, anime, painting -

Doll come Alive

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This is another one of my pretty acrylic paintings. As of lately, I have been working doubly hard on my work. This one is just a bit of an experiment. I am no longer doing the series thing. I am just painting as the ideas come to mind. So, while I have an inch of inspiration, I will continue with my acrylic projects till I use up all my canvases.

They were just crowding up my drawers, just sitting there doing nothing. This one is a bit of a spell or something like it. It is the first painting I made of my doll. It is not my best work, or my worse. I think I might have a proclivities towards abstraction. Boxes and triangles are just easier to draw as all.

As before, I drew the pencil lines first, and then I colored over the lines with acrylic black and white paint. This gave it the perfect line art feel I am always aiming for. It just helps keep the painting under control. The larger the canvas, the smaller the lines are going to appear. This is well noted in my last Alice painting.

For this one, I used a bit of white glitter on the letters. I also used more on the side of the painting. This is not too noticed on this flat photo. Since it is a wrapped canvas, I used the sides as part of decorations. I added some interesting patterns. I think you can somewhat see the sides of in the photo I took.

Aside from painting, I have been catching up on my writing. I am almost halfway done with my latest book. In comparison to most writers, I am quite prolific. It all stems from an over active imagination and focus. Without focus, you cannot put your ideas into writing. It also helps to type rather fast.

If your fingers cannot keep up with your thoughts, then you are bound to lose the strain of your ideas rather easily. The new house in the corner seems close to getting its roof. I saw the new neighbors looking in my direction. It is rare for people to build a house from scratch.

Had I any money, I would have bought the land and built a pool to amuse myself. I would have surrounded the pool with a bunch of paintings. It designed a similar building back when I used to play the Sims. As of late, we have not touched the Playstation.

The only two games we are looking forward to are Tropico and the New Devil May Cry. When did games stop being fun? Everything is boring storyline this and existentialism that. I am already tired of that nonsense. This is just about it as far as this blog is concerned. See you tomorrow, God be willing.

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