Alice and the Tardigrade Acrylic Painting

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Alice and the Tardigrade Acrylic Painting

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It has been quite a bit since I did an acrylic painting. Acrylic paintings offer their own fair of challenges. I normally draw with pencil over the canvas what I want to paint. I then pass the lamp black over the pencil lines. To erase the black smudges, I add a layer of titanium white. In the first couple of paintings, I did not do that.

This caused the pencil lines to be noticeable. Now, I just erase them with acrylic paint. The white paint adds a bit of light into the colors applied over it. It usually takes two days for me to complete a painting. Then again, I am working on really small canvas. Eventually, I will work up the energy to make a huge painting. I am still thinking about the subject matter.

I am still stuck in my Alice series. She lends herself well to just about any silly project that comes to mind. I recently went out to water the plants. I normally would do it later on in the day. The issue is that the plants tend to do their photosynthesis in the morning. If I water them later, they will not be able to do much with it.

This is slowly becoming an everyday thing. I got to thank that British Monty for that. He made me love my garden. Normally, I would not bother to go outside at all. There is something nice and refreshing with working in the land. As of lately, I am working on helping this small purple plant. The cat is still knocking it over. Maybe, there is a thieve walking the grounds at night.

Now, he is going to be screwed cause I putted to large rocks on either side of the plant I am protecting. So, if he trips tonight, I am going to be onto the fellow. I hope it is just the cat being a douche. He likes to poop in my garden. I am a bit worried about how the plants are handling it. I need to put more mulch cause there is weed growing among my rose bush.

Now back to my painting. I used a matte Varnish. I wanted to protect the painting, but now make it glow too much. It ended up looking a bit odd around the edges. Still, the painting is protected. The varnish dried to a clear finish. I think it dulled a bit the glow of the glitters mixed with glossy Varnish. Still, it does look pretty amassing. I like glitter paintings.

It makes the paintings a lot more interesting in the real world. As for the tardigrade, I like critters like these ones. I made one the queen of hearts. I thought it was a whimsical idea. I think Tardigrades are pretty cool. This is just about it as far as my paintings are concerned. I have another one in the woodworks. It is going to be completed soon.

It is nothing too complicated. As of now, we are saving up a bit of money to buy a new fancy painting. The painting decorations would class up our house. This is just about it, see you later my good mates. I finally got around to continuing my 11th novel. It is a quarter done. I am trying a new gimmick. I am going to complete with the same train of thought without doing large time jumps.

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