The Lady in Blue Acrylic Painting

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The Lady in Blue Acrylic Painting

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I have been putting off a bit showing you this piece. In part, I wanted to wait for the Velcro to arrive. I was also not in the mood for doing a little bit of a serious blog. These days I am a little bit mellowed out. I usually get like that when it is sour and grey. A gray sky with no rain is every so gloomy.

There is also the issue with today’s date. I will not get into it. It is just one of those days when my family is in a particular sour mood. It will pass, as it always has. There is just some things that cannot be helped. I like saying that phrase a lot. It turns up a lot in my books.

As of now, my peeps are eating to get the energy to clean the house. We do so every week. It is the only way to keep ourselves from sneezing all the time. All three of us have suffered from asthma at some point or another. It is best not to push one’s luck with that condition. Exercise helps a lot though.

I went back to listening to audiobooks. I only listen to audiobooks when I am painting. I am just a little bit bored of all music. It has been an eternity or two since I listened to something good. I have managed to continue with my new book. I am finally past the halfway point.

Still, I want the book to be at least 60,000 words long. This is the general mark I have set for myself. Still, there is a chance I might call it short. I am playing a bit with the format of it. I have not done any time jumps. Every scene takes place in the course of a couple days or weeks. I have stopped keeping track of the days.

I have also not done any chapters. There is no dividing point between scenes. This is a good way to be gimmicky around the edges. I bet some people will find it annoying. Still, chapters are nothing but an artifice and I want to show that you can live without them. Now back to the painting.

Like I said before, I made it with acrylics. It took almost a week to complete. It took so long because of the size of the canvas. I had gotten into the habit of adding a layer of white paint to erase the pencil lines. The last two paintings I have made I have skipped that part.

As of now, I am only going to limit that measure to my human figures. If I am going to have any shading, then I will add titanium white. Aside from this maiden, I have a couple of other paintings completed. I am going to show them to you over the course of the next days. I am making these paintings to empty my drawers.

The canvases were just stuffing them. Instead of stuffing them, I decided to hang them. I do not know why people have such a hard time painting. The main issue is not painting, but coming up with ideas. I just get one thought and then I go with it. There is nothing else to my process. Most people tend to overthink things.

Then again, those people are trying to impress or offer a message. I am not a messenger type of person. I just do things because I enjoy them. Whether fame or obscurity be my fate, I am not concerned in the least. I have a cool vision of the future. What happens in the now, I care not to think about it. I suppose this is enough for my daily ramblings.

Tomorrow you can visit, if you have a mind to do so. The painting was made with my US art supply acrylic set. I used the canvas, brushes and acrylics that came with the set. I used basic Liquitex varnish to protect the painting. Most people do not bother to Varnish their acrylic paintings. I do so, because why the hell not?

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