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anime, drawing -

After consulting with my whims, I finally decided to work up enough energy to translate my two published books to Spanish. It seems that it cannot be helped. If you have a Spanish name, you have to, by law write in Spanish. I did not make up these rules. It is just how the laws of causality work. There once was a Spanish singer who had a similar problem. She grew up in America, and was as American as apple pie. Yet, her father insisted that she sing in Spanish. The trick ended up working. She became famous as a...

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anime, drawing -

This is just another one of my walking figures. I need to make a couple of more for the website, because I only have tomorrow’s post. I suppose I could go back to just posting photos for Artsy Sister. Still, I find that people respond better to the drawings. Then again, it is not as if I am trying to make an Artsy type of photography. Most of my photos would amount to tourist photos. The rest, are just product photos for the website. Recently, I got some of the pencils I ordered from Japan. It took about 20 days...

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anime, art, drawing -

I did not post a blog yesterday because I was taking an eye rest. I did rest it for most of the time, but then I started playing My Little Dragon Caffe and I think it is messed up again. It is  so annoying when your eye starts ticketing. I feel like there is something pocking the side of it, but I do not see any eyelashes or anything. It worked just fine yesterday, for the most part. Now, it is back to being a bit of a bother. It does look a bit red from one side. I suppose...

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anime, drawing -

This is quite the cute new anime drawing of mine. I made it last night. I decided to start my pose series. I wanted to practice my figure drawing. Most mangaka artists do not practice figure drawings. This is well noted on most of the anime wallpapers I see. They tend to be quite repetitive. There is only one exception to this rule. The people who animate battles tend to put a little bit of effort behind it. This is well noted in Berserk and in Claymore as well. Then again, I do not keep a lot of track on...

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anime, chibi -

 This another one of my cute Chibi things. It features Moses being chosen by God to liberate the Jews. I chose to depict Moses with horns because of a cool statue I saw when I was in High School. The statue was called the Well of Moses. It showed a transition from the stylized medieval styles, to a more realistic depiction. The Moses character hard horns, and I thought they looked cool. It is for this reason that I gave my Moses horns. The other thing I thought a bit was to how to do the 7 plagues. They are...

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