anime RSS

anime, painting -

Now that I think about it, I should start signing my work at the front. I normally do not like to sign my paintings, because I find that it ruins the aesthetics. I prefer to sign the back of the canvas. Still, some douche can easily remove that portion and then write their name on it. I guess I should find a clever way of signing the work in a way that I do not find it annoying. Till them, I know that this was painted by me. I took the first photo of it when it was completed. I...

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anime -

This is quite the cute new anime drawing and the like. I drew her a couple of months ago. It features an anime girl in a black dress.  I have noticed that a lot of British books on dresses and fashion tend to ignore Spain completely. It is almost like they like to pretend that Spain is not part of Europe. Spain is not what is used to, but it is still relevant in the world. All the Hispanic nations own their existence to Spain. They were also responsible for many deaths and the like. Then again, Spain and Britain...

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anime, drawing -

Here is another one of my pretty maidens drawing. I am always trying new stuff to improve the final product. As you may have noticed, I am a bit of a mixed media kind of person. Well, those who have been reading enough of my work know that I just repeated myself. Then again, there is only so much one can say about the matter. I am always coming up with new things to rant about. It might be a bit more useful if I had some professional drawing training. I was going to enter Art school, but at the...

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anime, drawing -

Well, this is just one of my newest anime drawings. I have settled down on the anime style. Still, my drawings looks different than those of the average mangaka artist. The main thing is that I tend to sketch a lot from life. My people for the most part are anatomically correct, except for the face. These days finding people to sketch from life is hard. Artist models were super cheap in the old days. These days if you want to sketch someone they usually refuse and get all paranoid. It is even worse for men. They ask ladies to...

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anime, drawing -

This is one of the relatively newest drawing that I made. It is a German lady wearing a period dress. I think it belongs to the 1000s. Dressed like the ones worn by this maiden are known as Elven dresses. If you google elven dress, you will probably run into many that resemble this ones. Most elven maidens in the fantasy worlds wear the same attires. There are some regional variance. For example, I remember seeing elven maidens wearing leaf clothing. Then again, leaf and flowers is the usual attire worn by fairy people. Fairies do not get much attention...

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