German Lady in a golden dress circa 1000

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German Lady in a golden dress circa 1000

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Well, this is just one of my newest anime drawings. I have settled down on the anime style. Still, my drawings looks different than those of the average mangaka artist. The main thing is that I tend to sketch a lot from life. My people for the most part are anatomically correct, except for the face. These days finding people to sketch from life is hard. Artist models were super cheap in the old days. These days if you want to sketch someone they usually refuse and get all paranoid. It is even worse for men. They ask ladies to pose for them and three things happen, they either refuse, they ask for a ton of money or they call the cops on you. Then again,  I have never seen it happen. 

I am just speculating. I see a lot of posts asking for artist models on craiglist. Some of them if you read them sound like a trap. Florida is big on that kidnapping thing. They take advantage of poor, desperate folk. This was the traditional game of most painters. They would see people in the street posing and they would paint them, and then do something else. The artist models of most of the Virgin Mary paintings of the baroque period were anything, but Virgin. It used to bother the priests a lot. Still, given enough time people forgot about it. The thing is that since the painters of the old days sketched form life, all the people you see in their works were their contemporaries. It is something interesting to consider. They were just little people, whose face became immortal in works of arts.

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We do not know their names for the most part, but we remember their faces. Some have even gone as far as making up entire historical fictions. The best example of this is the book about the girl with the pearl earring. I watched the movie, and it was real interesting and the like. It even made some people think that it was based on true events. People sometimes like a story so much that they pretend it is true. There is a lot of things about the past you must take with a grain of salt. Take for example the histories done during the Roman time. They mostly focuses on the Roman conquest. They usually exaggerated the strength of their enemies, to make themselves look cool when they won.

Then again, the Romans would have looked like douches if they destroyed a weak, unarmed village. There is such a thing as historical revisionism. People do not realize that history is a type of fiction writing, loosely based on true events. Just because the names are real, it doesn’t mean that the events are real. People are quite naïve that way. You can put the caption, based on true events in front of everything and people are bound to believe it. If I ever write a normal sounding book, I will put a caption that says based on true events. Know my readers beforehand, that it will not have a lick of truth behind it. Well, this is just about it. The drawing was done with my stabile minis, my Morris Bamboo pens and my sakura gelly pens. The pencils were my art 101 pencils, royal and langnickel and my Derwent pencils. I erased the pencil lines with my pentel eraser. The paper is from Leda Art Supply. I hope you find this useful.

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