Spanish Maiden in a Black Dress circa 1903

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Spanish Maiden in a Black Dress circa 1903

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This is quite the cute new anime drawing and the like. I drew her a couple of months ago. It features an anime girl in a black dress.  I have noticed that a lot of British books on dresses and fashion tend to ignore Spain completely. It is almost like they like to pretend that Spain is not part of Europe. Spain is not what is used to, but it is still relevant in the world. All the Hispanic nations own their existence to Spain. They were also responsible for many deaths and the like. Then again, Spain and Britain have been enemies in the past. The best speech of Queen Elizabeth was done before the fight against the Spanish ship. Normally, most kids do not pay attention to history. Still, people who do take it a bit more seriously most think a lot of a bit. I think a lot about history as well. When a people has been fighting for years, and suddenly they have to be friends, it gets one’s mind running.

All in all, I find the European union to be the worse idea imaginable. Half the members want to bail. The main issue is that they do not have a strong president running the entire show. Then, again, I do not keep up with the Successes of the European Union. I could care less about the Europeans, and their nonsense. Most people put them on top of the pedestal, but if you read their history you will realize they are a bunch of douches, who are suddenly acting like the good guys. All the civilizations they touched suffered terribly. This is part of the reason why I never want to visit Europe. Sure, they have all those fancy churches and all that junky palaces. Still, they took more than they actually gave back to their colonies. They then wonder why they are despised in other former colonies or whatever.

This is just my long winded way of saying, that I am scrapping the bottom. It is sometimes fun to cut people down a peg. The modern world as of late is rather boring. People just kill each other all the time. Also, I am just waiting for the internet to work properly and the like. It has been flashing all the time. I am just bored and the like. I am currently working on a new painting and the like. It is about Alice in different situations. You will get the joke when you see it. The current artwork was done with royal and langnickel pencils. I then erased the pencil lines with my pentel eraser. I also used the Stabilo pens to draw. I then drew the rest with my art 101 pencils.  I also drew the skin with my Morris Bamboo pencils. I hope you find this information useful and the like.

artsy sister,art supply,anime drawing

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