Running Classical Figure in Green

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Running Classical Figure in Green

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I did not post a blog yesterday because I was taking an eye rest. I did rest it for most of the time, but then I started playing My Little Dragon Caffe and I think it is messed up again. It is  so annoying when your eye starts ticketing. I feel like there is something pocking the side of it, but I do not see any eyelashes or anything. It worked just fine yesterday, for the most part. Now, it is back to being a bit of a bother. It does look a bit red from one side. I suppose it stands to reason that I might need eyedrops or something like it. I would prefer not to rely on them, let’s one develops a bit of a dependence. The body tends develop dependence for even the most minor things, like Nasal Spray.

I suppose some things cannot be helped. I will try to make do without it, for the time being. As for the drawing, it is just another one of my classical type of figures. The pose is taken from a painting. Paintings are rather useful in the posing department. Still, it is a bit of a bother to have to look through them. It is for this reason that I am making a bit of a shorthand for myself. In order to write much of anything, I need silence. At least as much silence as the air conditioner provides. I like listening to repetitive, droning sounds, like the one made by the air conditioner. You get used to it, as with many other things.

As for the main website, I recently finished adding all the description for the key collections. I find it rather useful to do that. It tends to help my peeps come up with an informed purchase. For the time being, I am a little peeved. My brother went to Orlando without me. Then again, it was type of date or whatever. I would have been a third wheel, and with my mother following it would have been 4. I suppose a body has got to do, what he’s got to do. In my life, I only went on a single date, and it was a real disappointment. From then on, I swore off all human beings. I just do not have patience for the whole, wishy-washy thing. This reminds me of a pretty cool TV show I used to watch a long time ago. It was called Blind Date. The folks were them filmed, while they went on their Blind Date. I thought it was really funny. Most of the dates were a failure.

artsy sister,craft,art supplies

Mainly, it was the guy failing to impress the girl. This is the natural course of nature. In the animal world, males have to put on all sorts of displays to get the girl. As you may have noticed, I tend to watch a lot of animal documentaries. From time to time, they bring out an interesting one about art. As far as art is concerned, I recently saw a nice one on Netflix called Civilization. It was pretty good, except for the final episode. Modern art is a joke, and it is all Marcel Duchamp’s fault. He invented Dada, which claims that anything is art as long as you label it so. This has led to the creation of an army of eyesores, and people trying to reinvent the wheel. I suppose there are some things that cannot be helped. You may have noticed that I tend to say that often. This is just me not raising enough energy to try to do something about this or that. I suppose people are entitled to their own opinions, even if they do not respect the opinions of others.

My only concerned is what I am trying to make. Based on what I saw on this documentary, my competition is rather low. Most of their works are gimmicky at best. Moving along…this little drawing of mine was made on a Leda Art Supply sketchbook. The sketchy portion was made with a Royal and Langnickel pencil, of HB width. I then drew the pen lines with my Steadtler pens, a prismacolor pen, a souffle pen, and a stardust gelly pen. The skin color was done with a Lyra skin tone pencil. The rest was drawn with some Art 101 coloring pencils. Last, but certainly not least we have my pentel eraser, to eraser stuff. It is amassing how many art supplies were employed just to make this seemingly simple drawing.

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