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anime, chibi, cute, drawing -

I wanted to show you one of the raw pages from my Scary Cat book. She is going with her friends to look for ghosts. It has a bit of a twist ending. This children’s book took a little longer to make. I wanted to put a ghost in the story, but I didn’t want to do a supernatural thing. Scary Cat in nature doesn’t have any supernatural elements. I also wanted to avoid Scooby cliches. So, the ghosts are Pipa and her Sister. I allude to this early in the book. All ghost related items are shaded blue. Pipa...

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anime, game, hollow knight, humor, movie, painting, parody -

Today, I did a Hollow Knight x Titanic parody. I had the Pale King and the White lady taking the role of Jack and Rose. Their Bugtanic ship crashed in Greenpath. Due to his arrogance, the Pale King didn’t add any life rafts. He assumed that his Bugtanic ship was unsinkable. When his ship sank, only the floating door was able to save him and his wife. As gamers might remember, Greenpath is covered in acid. The White Lady is on top of the wooden door that is barely containing her massive weight.   There is simply not room enough...

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anime, chibi, cute, drawing -

This is a raw page from my newest Scary Cat book. In this one, Scary Cat Pipa has gone missing. Pipa got scared of a little bug. So, she ran away. Her friends went to look for her since she didn’t return. The book is lighthearted and cute. It has a bit of a hide and seek element. The characters are exploring a Spooky Mansion. This includes the interior and the exterior gardens. I worked hard in the background elements. I also design original looks for all the characters. The background elements were drawn with coloring pencils. The bunny Chibi...

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anime, manga, review, reviews -

Ranma ½ Manga Review Ranma ½ was one of the first mangas I ever read. Later on, I did try to watch the anime show. I wasn't able to watch it. It could have also been the fault of bad English duds. Anyhow, the manga was about Ranma who was training to be a martial artist. His father takes him to town one day to meet his arranged fiancé. His fiancé does not like men. Ranma also has his own issues. One day while training, he falls into a cursed lake. Whenever he is exposed to cold water, he turns into...

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anime, cute, drawing, pose -

I got around to doing one of my silly practice drawings. I am always trying to learn how to draw new poses. It is important to make practice drawings every so often. I wasn’t feeling all that inspired. So, this drawing was done to kill time. I am still working on getting all my books into Barnes and Nobles. I am already in. It is just time consuming to make the new editions, design new front covers and introductions. I am a busy, busy bee. I think I ranted enough for one day. I hope you like my newest drawing....

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