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anime, chibi, drawing, pose -

Today, I did one of my silly practice drawings. It is important to get those drawings done every once in a while. In this one, I was mimicking the pose of the creation of Adam by Michelangelo. Most of my practice drawings feature maidens. I am good at drawing women. It is the form I am most familiar with. So, with these practice drawings, I do not fuss too much about the body type of the maiden. Well, there really isn’t much to talk about this drawing. What you see is what you get. Bye.

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anime, chibi, hollow knight, painting, parody -

Today, I felt like doing a new Hollow Knight Art Parody. After looking at a bunch of paintings, I settled on a funny theme. The Judgement of Paris is based on a mythological story. The Goddess of Discord wasn’t invited to a wedding. Since she was angry at being left out, she thought of a way to kill all the joy of that event. She threw a Golden Apple into the middle of the banquet. The Golden Apple had these words: For the Fairest One. In modern terms, this line means that the Golden Apple goes to the prettiest one....

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anime, manga, review -

Uzumaki Manga Review This is one of the most disturbing mangas I have ever read. It follows in the strange tradition of bizarre Japanese horror movies, like the Grudge. This one is about a town that was cursed by the spiral or Uzumaki. It may sound a bit lame; however, it was handled brilliantly thematically. Most of the time, I had no idea what the hell was going on. Some of the chapters are too disturbing for me to go into. Still, if you like horror movie skits this is a good graphic novel to read. The manga has about...

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anime, art, chibi, hollow knight, painting -

Today, I felt like doing a Hollow Knight painting parody. After looking through all my options, I decided to do parody of Saturn Devouring his Own Children by Goya. Goya was a Spanish painter from Spain who went crazy after Napoleon massacred his people. He had a firsthand view of the terrors of war, and naturally that affected his psyche. The Grubfather in the Hollow Knight devours all his children after you finish rescuing them. You hear them still alive inside his belly. When the knight tries to save them, his nail is unable to pierce the Grubfather’s belly. It...

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anime, chibi, cute, drawing -

I wanted to show you one of the raw pages of my new Scary Cat book. It is one of the best pages that I drew. Mana is looking for Pipa in the basement. The basement is where they keep the spirits. It is just a silly joke that I added. I worked pretty hard on the background elements. In this book, exploring the Spooky Mansion is the main objective. So, I had to make the mansion an interesting place for the readers and characters to explore. From time to time, I add kawaii faces to background elements. This is...

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